Game Help Files

9.27 Space Structures

Space Structures are massive constructions in space built by players. They serve various purposes, depending on what type of structure it is. To build a structure, you must first build the requisite "Core" commodity. Structure types and their required commodities are:


Refineries are used to refine raw commodities into refined goods for use in manufacturing. Players can have a maximum of ONE refinery. See HELP REFINERIES.

Requires the Refinery core (refinery_core) commodity to build.

Autofactories are used to manufacture refined goods into intermediate and finished goods of all varieties. Players can have a maximum of ONE autofactory. See HELP AUTOFACTORIES.

Requires the Autofactory core (autofactory_core) commodity to build.


Checkpoints are used in Ship Races (see HELP RACING) as, well, checkpoints which racers have to fly through to make progress in a race. Players can have a maximum of FOUR checkpoints.

Requires the Checkpoint core (checkpoint_core) commodity to build.

Structure construction

To construct a structure, you must have the required Core in your ship's cargohold, fly to the location in space where you would like to place your structure, and begin the placement process using the command STRUCTURE PLACE BEGIN <type>. This will begin a blueprinting process whereby you can fine-tune the location of your structure. To shift the placement of the blueprint, enter STRUCTURE PLACE SHIFT <direction> to move the blueprint in a direction. Some structure types such as Checkpoints can also be rotated using STRUCTURE PLACE ROTATE. To cancel out of the process, enter STRUCTURE PLACE STOP.

When blueprinting your structure, you will be informed whether the current placement is valid. You'll also be informed of any reasons why the placement is not valid. Once you have picked out your final, valid spot, enter STRUCTURE PLACE FINALIZE. This will enter you into a final creation prompt where you'll have a chance to review all the details of the structure you are about to place, and will give you the opportunity to exit the process if you decide you do not want to place it there.

Refineries and Autofactories will receive Production Bonuses based on their proximity to stations and celestial bodies that have economies specialized in particular goods. You will be informed of all the bonuses the current placement would grant in the final creation prompt, giving you the opportunity CANCEL out if you want to try the bonuses somewhere else. Refineries and Autofactories in factional space receive no bonuses.

Once you have CONFIRMed the final prompt, the Core commodity will be anchored in space and will take some time to assemble into its finished form.

Note that placing a structure in a factional subsector requires a Permit. Permits can be issued by factions to individuals. Anyone with the "Economy" power in a faction can issue Permits using FACTION ECONOMY WRITE PERMIT <person>.

You can only have 1 of each structure constructed at a time. You are able to disassemble your structure, recovering a portion of the commodities invested, if you choose. Structures designated to an organization still count towards your personal limit.

Structure management

Once you have built a structure, useful structure management commands include:

STRUCTURE SHOW <id>                Shows basic, public information about a structure.
STRUCTURE AUDIT <id>               Shows information on a structure only available to structure managers.
STRUCTURE DESIGNATE <id> <org>     Designate a structure to an organization.
STRUCTURE UNDESIGNATE <id>         Remove a designation on a structure from an organization.
STRUCTURE DISASSEMBLE <id>         Disassemble a structure, recovering roughly half of the commodities used to build it.
STRUCTURE CYCLEFEE <id> <fee>      Set the Fee for use of the structure (see HELP MANUFACTURING). New Cycle Fees set by the owner do not update until Sync.
STRUCTURE BONUSTAKE <id> <val>     Set owner cut of production bonus (see HELP MANUFACTURING)

Note that designating a structure to an organization will allow everyone in the organization with the "Structures" power to manage the structure. However, only the original owner of a structure can DISASSEMBLE it. 

Structure modules

Structures consist of various modular parts that contribute to the whole. Once you construct a structure, the structures "Core" is converted to a "Core Module" which provides the base functionality of the structure depending on the structure's type.

Some structures, such as Checkpoints, do not use modules.

STRUCTURE MODULE BROWSE [type] will show a list of Tier 1 modules available for construction, optionally filtered by the type of structure. For instance, STRUCTURE MODULE BROWSE REFINERY will provide a list of all the modules that can be built on a Refinery structure.

STRUCTURE MODULE INFO <module> will show details of how a module modifies the structure once it is built, as well as the cost associated with constructing it.

STRUCTURE MODULE AUDIT while at a structure will show you all of the modules currently built. At first, the only structure module you will have is the Tier 1 Core module of your structure.

STRUCTURE MODULE CONSTRUCT <module> is used to construct a new module. This requires the commodities listed in STRUCTURE MODULE INFO to be present on the structure in order to begin construction. Once costruction is ordered, the structure will take time to complete construction. Once it finishes, it will apply its modifications to the structure.

STRUCTURE MODULE UPGRADE <module> is used to upgrade a module from one tier to the next. At present, modules begin at Tier 1 and reach their maximum tier at Tier 3. You cannot build Tier 2 or Tier 3 modules without first building the earlier tier first.

Structures have a Module Capacity stat which determines the maximum number of modules the structure can hold, detailed in STRUCTURE AUDIT. Structures also have a Module Tier Max stat which determines the maximum module Tier they can upgrade existing modules to. Both the Module Capacity and Module Tier Max stats can presently only be modified by upgrading the Core Module first. For instance, in order to upgrade your Tier 1 Stesium Material Lab to Tier 2, you must first upgrade your Tier 1 Autofactory Core to a Tier 2 Autofactory Core.

STRUCTURE MODULE DISASSEMBLE <module> can be used to disassemble a module and refunds approximately half of the commodities consumed to build it. When disassembling modules of higher tier, you will only be refunded the materials used to construct its current tier, not any materials spent during previous tier construction. You cannot disassemble the Core module.

Note that designating a structure to an organization allows anyone in the organization with the "Structures" power to construct and disassemble modules.

Structure maintenance

Structures do degrade over time and will fall out of the sky and be permanently destroyed if neglected for a long period of time. At Sync, the structure will take 1% Damage.

Structures which have commodity storage will consume all the Structural Repairkits (structural_repair) commodities it can in an effort to repair itself back up to 100% health at a rate of 1 kit = 1% health. If your structure is currently at 100% health, at Sync it takes 1% damage, and then would consume 1 Structural Repairkit to heal it back to 100% health. If you've neglected your structure for awhile and it is at 40% after taking damage, the structure will try to consume up to 60 Structural Repairkits. If the structure's health is reduced to 0, it is permanently destroyed, so make sure to stay on top of it and store plenty of repairkits!

In the event of structure being destroyed, a portion of the materials used to construct it will be returned to the owner's home station, as if they had used STRUCTURE DISASSEMBLE.

Some structure types, such as Checkpoints, do not have commodity storage, and thus cannot be repaired, and will simply decay after 100 RL days with a portion of the commodities used to construct it returning to you.

In the event a manufacturing structure is deleted due to the above or due to disassembly, any manufacturing jobs at the structure will be released early, refunding input commodities. All ships (for structures with docks) and commodities (for structures with commodity storage) will be returned to their rightful owners' home stations.

Note that if a structure has been designated to an organization, Structural Repairkits MUST be stored in the organization's storage, not personal storage.


Structure logs are available to org-designated structures by default, and for personal use if you have the Personal Structure Log artifact. This contains a 30-day history of all interactions with your structures, including jobs, structure modifications, and so on. The syntax for interacting with structure logs is: