Game Help Files
1.6 Time
Time is measured in Galactic Years, and is referred to as Galactic Standard Time. All time devices are tuned to GST, ensuring an even measure of time across the galaxy. One Galactic Year has 15 months in it, each of which is 24 days long. Therefore, there are 360 days in a year. One game day = six real-life hours One game month = six real-life days One game year = ninety real-life days The months of the year are: Solaris Lunaris Starmourn Kith Aether Covenant Elders Aegis Empyreal Omega Ascension Worldbreaking Abyss Extinction Dust There are 8 days per week. The weekdays are: Starsday Moonday Kisday Ansday Yarsday Vaiday Sathsday Nulday Once every four in-game days, you will experience "the Sync." The Synchronization is a galactic phenomenon that, among other things, results in recalibration of most mindsims (OOC speaking, it marks 0:00 GMT). To work out a future date in Starmourn use the command: DATE <DAYS FROM NOW> So e.g. if you'd like to know the in-game date 12 IC days from now, you would type DATE 12 - which would give you the IC date. Days in Starmourn are 6 hours long. Other syntaxes that may prove useful are: DATE OOC d m y (example: DATE OOC 14 Covenant 960) This will give you the OOC date of your IC time input (does not work for dates that are already passed) DATE IC d/m/y/h (example: DATE IC 23 5 2019 8) This will give you the IC date of whatever your OOC time input is (does not work for dates that are already past) This visualization of the Starmourn calendar might also be useful