Game Help Files

3.1 SCORE and Character Information

The first way to get information about your character is to type SCORE or SC.
This will display a brief outline of information about the status of your
character. Below is an example of the result of this command when performed by
an adventurer named Oryx.

-- Oryx - Supergalactic Starmourner -------------------------------------------
 Race:    Human                Class: Scoundrel              Health: 3890/3890
 Gender:  Female               Age:   35                     Inv:    41
 Faction: Scatterhome          Rank:                         Clans:  0
 Level: 75.00                  Captaincy: TBD - 0 (0.03)     Exploration
 Rank:  3                      Rank:      2                  Rank: 2
 Strength:  275                Aim:     275                  Psyche:    150
 Techcraft: 150                Agility: 150                  Lifeforce: 150
 Evasion:   150                Regen:   150
-- Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------
 Marks:                        Credits:                      Lessons:
  Total: 948816                 Unbound: 0                    Total: 0
                                Bound:   0