Game Help Files

8.13 The Scoundrel Class

In Starmourn, scoundrels fight dirty and are prepared to win at all costs. Widely known for their usefulness in a gunfight, they have more than a few tricks up their sleeves, with a knack for making use of their surroundings to maximum effect.

The three scoundrel class skills are Gunslinging, Guile, and Improvisation.

Starter lessons and important abilities
   * Basic attack: Crackshot/Quickload (Gunslinging - 5 Lessons)
                   Haymaker (Guile - 5 Lessons) 
   * Class healing ability: Stim (Guile - 5 Lessons)
   * Leaving combat: Escape (Skirmishing - 5 lessons)
   * Movement: Swimming (Exploration - 5 lessons)

For later on:
   * Class interrupting abilities: Pointblank (Gunslinging - 186 lessons) and Pocketsand (Guile - 60 lessons), you need both of these as Pointblank uses bullets, pocketsand is a reload based interrupt.
   * Target status check: Scan (Guile - 221 lessons)

Owing to the wide toolkit Scoundrels can employ, they require a few select pieces of equipment, which when upgraded, will increase the potency of their damaging attacks.
   * An upgraded PIECE will increase the damage of their Gunslinging abilities.
   * An upgraded set of Knuckledusters will increase the damage of their Guile attacks.
   * An upgraded toolkit will increase the potency of their Improvisation explosions.

The terms 'Piece', 'P.I.E.C.E.', and PIECE are used interchangeably throughout Starmourn, as it's become somewhat of a colloquial term for any kind of blaster or gun, rather than just a Prion Industries Electroswitching Compact Eradicator - kinda like how lasers don't get called L.A.S.E.R.s and radars don't get called R.A.D.A.R.s all the time.

The primary resource of the Scoundrel are the bullets in their PIECE. You will generally want to try and burn through your ammunition quickly, so that you can employ powerful reload combinations. Your first reload ability is quickload. 

Stats and attributes
The two class stats for Scoundrels are Agility and Aim:
   * Agility will increase the damaging potential of your Improvisational 
     abilities and some of your Guile attacks.
   * Aim will increase your damaging attacks in Gunslinging. Additionally it 
     will help with some of your Guile attacks.

Strategies and tips
A starting Scoundrel will want to focus on learning the Forcefeed ability in Improvisation, Bind in Guile, and learn as much Gunslinging as possible. The strategy, then, involves building up as much internal damage as is needed to pull off the Forcefeed attack - as Binding scales to internal damage, it is best to build up internal damage first using Gunslinging attacks, then finish off with Bind and Forcefeed.

To build up internal damage, the Weakening ammo is the most straightforward option, which can later on be combined with the special effects provided by the Infusing and Amplifying ammo. If the Scoundrel does not have access to the Weakening ammo yet, the Piercer IED, combined with the Detonate shot, provides an early alternative.

Later on, the Scoundrel gains access to a wide range of effects spread out across 4 subsystem types, and can improve their strategy with IEDs such as the Distorter (mind afflictions), timered explosions, or Strangle (periodic damage scaling to internal damage).