Game Help Files

94.5.1 Friendship Tokens

A token of friendship

Should you obtain one of these rare tokens from one of our promotional games, you will have the ability to claim friendship of any NPC in the game. As such, you can specify a custom greeting for your character from the NPC of your choice*. File an ISSUE with the details of your request in order to bring your friendship** to life. Your token will be claimed at the time of fulfillment. 

Custom greetings consist of one emote and one spoken line.

*There are a few exceptions to this - main quest characters, battlemasters, and npcs critical to the new player experience will not be modified in this way. Requests must also not be wildly out of character for the NPC in question - no asking the biggest, scariest villain in the game to curtsey at the sight of you and serve you tea. Friendship tokens will not be claimed until request is granted.

**The custom greeting does not need to be friendly.