Game Help Files

5.2 Emoting

Emoting is a way to express emotions, as well as many non-combat-related actions. There are two kinds of emotes: predefined and custom.

There are over 900 predefined emotes in Starmourn. These are similar to other basic commands and allow you to express yourself using only one or two words. An example would be SMILE, or SALUTE.

EMOTELIST             Shows a list of every predefined emote.
EMOTELIST <text>      Search for an emote in the EMOTELIST.
SHOWEMOTE <text>      Shows what an emote will look like before you do it!

Most emotes may also be directed at someone. So you could, for example, BOW CASSANDRA to bow to Cassandra, or DANCE MADDOX to dance with Maddox.

If Tecton were to type FLUTTER GARRYN, then
   Tecton would see:    You flutter your eyelashes charmingly at Garryn.
   Garryn would see:    Tecton flutters his eyelashes charmingly at you.
   Onlookers would see: Tecton flutters his eyelashes charmingly at Garryn.

You can also create custom emotes, which can be much more detailed and personalized, making you do whatever you wish, from the possible to the ridiculous. Using the command is simple. Simply type: EMOTE <whatever you wish to do>.

When you emote something, your name is prepended to your actions.

   If Tecton enters the text:    EMOTE gives a secretive smile
   Onlookers will see:           Tecton gives a secretive smile.

If you wish to use the possessive form of your name in an emote, simply type:
EMOTE 's <whatever you wish to come after>.

   So if Tecton enters:          EMOTE 's melodious voice resonates throughout 
                                 the theater.
   Others will see:              Tecton's melodious voice resonates throughout 
                                 the theater.

If you wish to make your name appear at a different part of the sentence, you can use parentheses:

   So if Tecton enters:          EMOTE (Blushing,) lets out a timid chortle.
   Others will see:              Blushing, Tecton lets out a timid chortle.

If you wish to add some speech to your emote, it will show up in your configured speech color - you just need to use speech marks:

   So if Soren enters:          EMOTE wanders over to a feracht, bending down to 
                                pet it, "Hello, friend!" they say, happily.
   Others will see:             Soren wanders over to a feracht, bending down to 
                                pet it, "Hello, friend!" they say, happily.

Interacting with Items
Items can be included in your emotes by referencing them after an $ symbol.
This can be either the name, item number, or a combination of both.

Let's say that Tecton is in a room with a paristeel bench, and wants to 
reference it in his emote:

  If Tecton enters:             EMOTE recoils at the state of $bench
  Others will see:              Tecton recoils at the state of a paristeel bench.

Interacting with People
Most emotes will involve other adventurers in some form, so other players
can be simply included with the use of the @ symbol before their name.

  If Tecton enters:             EMOTE glances at @Oryx suspiciously.
  Oryx sees:                    Tecton glances at you suspiciously.
  Others will see:              Tecton glances at Oryx suspiciously.

You may also use special tokens to correctly display the gendered pronouns related to those players

Token                     Third Person                  First person
-----                     ------------                  ------------
HIS/HERS/THEIR/ITS        his, hers, their, or its         your
HIM/HER/THEM/IT           him, her, them, or it            you
HE/SHE/THEY/ITT           he, she, they, or it             you
HISS/HERSS/THEIRS/ITSS    his, hers, or their, or its      yours (note the s)

Let's say that Tecton is in a room with Oryx and wants to be more expressive:
  If Tecton enters:             EMOTE glances at @Oryx suspiciously and backs away from @Oryx_her.
  Oryx sees:                    Tecton glances at you suspiciously and backs away from you.
  Others will see:              Tecton glances at Oryx suspiciously and backs away from her.

Some emotes will now require the targeted party to CONSENT to the action. For more information on this system, please check out HELP CONSENT.