Starmourn Game News

Public News Posts: 87-48

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87Jan 10th, 2019Locke'd And Loaded.Locke Dreya
86Jan 10th, 2019Market Reminder.Spacer Bob
85Jan 10th, 2019Paying well for weapon mods.Perfect Storm
84Jan 10th, 2019Zephyr's Emporium - Omni Station Trade Network.Smuggler Asmoth
83Jan 9th, 2019MARKET CLAN.Spacer Bob
82Jan 9th, 2019Locke'd And Loaded.Locke Dreya
81Jan 8th, 2019Re: Scatterhome Historical Records.Smuggler RoekGrek, Relief Officer
80Jan 8th, 2019For the Historical Record!Grek, Relief Officer
79Jan 8th, 2019Synodic Industries.Defender Doru V'el
78Jan 7th, 2019The Lockwood Dynasty & Archives.Smuggler Katherine Lockwood
77Jan 7th, 2019Locke'd And Loaded.Locke Dreya
76Jan 7th, 2019Come one, come all!Spacer Ronan
75Jan 7th, 2019Re: Starwraith.Explorer Chooli Starwraith
74Jan 7th, 2019Starwraith.Kareli
73Jan 7th, 2019Starwraith Dynasty.Smuggler ChooliVoyager Montem
72Jan 5th, 2019Thanks loves!Starmourner Razzy
71Jan 5th, 2019Mods.Flipilaria
70Jan 5th, 2019Locke'd And Loaded.Locke Dreya
69Jan 5th, 2019Weapon Mods Needed.Gladiator Ninvahn
68Jan 4th, 2019UltraViola(R)Voyager Viola, Guardian Envoy
67Jan 4th, 2019Sweets!Shulamit, Cuisine Master
66Jan 4th, 2019IronFoundry Expansion!Gladiator Rylek Ironbound, Swole Accountant
65Jan 4th, 2019Announcing Nuyu Biotech!Explorer Jayden
64Jan 4th, 2019Armor Mod Purchasing!Holgorath Ironbound, The Excitable
63Jan 4th, 2019Zephyr's Emporium.Spacer Asmoth
62Jan 3rd, 2019Salute Day Six.Spacer Rhea
61Jan 2nd, 2019Salute Month 5 Ronin.Spacer Rhea
60Jan 1st, 2019Weapon Mods.Locke Dreya
59Jan 1st, 2019An Apology.Spacer Rhea
58Jan 1st, 2019Salute Month 4.Spacer Rhea
57Dec 31st, 2018Trade Networks!Defender Doru V'el
56Dec 31st, 2018Family.Smuggler Woodro
55Dec 31st, 2018Salute Month Three Millette.Spacer Rhea
54Dec 30th, 2018IronFoundry.Gladiator Rylek Ironbound, Swole Accountant
53Dec 30th, 2018Travel Advisory - Vertenalith.Spacer Grek
52Dec 30th, 2018New Day, New You!Smuggler Jayden
51Dec 30th, 2018Salute Month Two.Spacer Rhea
50Dec 29th, 2018Leesa for Sale.Flipilaria
49Dec 29th, 2018Locke'd And Loaded.Locke
48Dec 29th, 2018Credits.Kareli

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A black-gloved hand wields a dazzling rainbow-hued tesseract from the Starmourn sector, held aloft before a cyberpunk cityscape.

Celebrating the New Year with a January Promo Update!

It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge! TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new…
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Human with a black half-face mask in a leather jacket stands before a brightly lit server console in an urban environment. They're holding an illuminated datapad and appear to be hacking the system.

Goodbye Winterflame, Hello New Year~

And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so. For everyone…
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Glowing In The Festive Snow – It’s Winterflamein Starmourn!

Late to post, but for those who don’t already know… It’s officially Winterflame in the Starmourn Sector! Don’t miss your chance to earn up to 8 FREE rainbow gifts to share with your friends, packed with winter holiday presents. In fact, you’ll get one just for talking to Rohna on Omni Station! The Winterflame Festival…
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