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Public News Post #61

Salute Month 5 Ronin.

Written by: Spacer Rhea
Date: Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019
Addressed to:

(The voice of the article is again the same low and lispy one as the previous and the article before it. It is scattered with a variety of troop placements that make no logistical sense and are obviously obfuscated or just utter misinformation and pictures and videos of the taller than six foot, elderly fading black furred W'hoorn, with a massive wingspan and an onyx black nose. The whole article has a down to earth and relatively basic militaristic theme with the tunnels of an asteroid being patrolled again with mostly nonsensical routes and placements on the troops.)
To the answer of who he was, Ronin Sa'rogue answered tersely, and with a charming lopsided smile.

Ronin walks over to the chair and drops onto it before flashing you a lopsided smile, "Ronin. Birthplace unknown, birthday as well. I enjoy learning and helping others learn, fixing things, and I'm one of the marshals in Scatterhome. I've been dealing with Song mostly, but also have contacts in Celestine. Is that good?"

It was a good answer, the man is if anything charming, and clearly has a degree of experience to him. Or at least attempts to appear so, I can see him really raising the spirits of the troops out there. I asked him a question, one I'd asked Millette and would ask Kareli in a slightly different form. I asked for some sort of Anecdote about their work, something that made the W'hoorn feel like he was necessary to keep moving forward. His answer was rather interesting.
(Video Follows of his answer, the lighting faded and appearing to be in the same booth as Millette was in for her interview.)

Ronin Sa'rogue 's head cants to the side curiously and he purses his lips thoughtfully, taking a moment to think before replying, "Not as a marshal, no. I've been working with several people to get scatterhome more coordinated and combat-worthy, something that hasn't been happening as often as it should, but nothing has gone sideways, so we haven't had to do any fighting yet. Having this position, and the title i was given because of it, has made the other factions believe that I have a major voice in Scatterhome though, which has allowed me to recruit from their stock, learn more about them, and act as a bit of a diplomat between the Song Dynasty and Scatterhome." He rolls his shoulders in a little shrug and smiles again as he adds, "I've led several cosmpiercer takeovers, and plan to lead more, and I'm going to be funding an insane clan to more easily discuss combat reflexes if you're more looking for what i've done with the position so far."

My next question was the question I'd asked each interviewee so far, a question of the turmoil in the sector. And what they thought of it. And if it was good for business.

His answer stumped me for a second. As he clearly saw through the question to the reality as it were in regards to the question.

"Political turmoil in Scatterhome, or between the factions?"

And then I clarified that it was his choice. And he came to a rather elaborating and eloquently stated in my opinion, answer on both.

Ronin Sa'rogue nods at the response, "Between factions, yeah. It's going to devolve from politics to combat eventually, and combat is the best way to train combatants. That being said I've been actively trying to prevent open warfare to give us more time to coordinate and grow stronger. Both Song and CA have some pretty powerful combatants, as they proved in that last Zerg on Reynolds." The W'hoorn's emerald gaze drifts across the camera line seemingly searching for something in the background. Looking for all the world to see, contemplative. "'In Scatterhome itself the division and political unrest has been cooling down, from what I've seen. We are no longer in constant debate on the faction's comms, and for the most part the news posts are actually informative. There are outliers of course, but unless I am missing a massive chunk of the debate/unrest, it seems far better than it was months ago."

After the more tense questions I settled into a quick one, I asked about the state of our volunteer militia. And he answered swiftly,

Ronin Sa'rogue returns the smile and nod with one of his own, "We could use more work on the organization side. I was working with several people earlier this month on getting that together. More people training and looking into how to overwhelm your opponent's wetwiring would be nice, but right now it's growing. I've been working with Grimscar on a clan of combatants and we're currently getting positions fleshed out inside the clan itself, but that should be done in the next couple months. We're looking for more members, but I've also been working with Ekary of the Ironbound Dynasty, a group of mercenaries, from what I've learned, but combat-oriented, and they're likely going to be playing a big part of our defense and offense down the line."

Finally I asked Ronin about advice for young combatants, maybe those that would like to see themselves become marshals.

(The video shows Ronin Sa'Rogue picking up a troop order and reading it over, as he answers in a happy and jovial tone. )

Ronin Sa'rogue happily says, "Ask lots of questions and try everything yourself. Wetwiring cures very efficiently, and priorities make a massive difference in how you want to fight. You'll need a fluid offense and the ability to react to what's happening, so making things more obvious and even CONFIGuring your COMBATMESSAGES to be more BRIEF can make a big difference in how much noise there is."

Next month there will be a posting of a final article, showing the internal turmoil some may have experienced one day in the sector.

(The mindsim fades into some jazzy Elgan music, credits given to the artist and an indication of a license scrolling along the bottom. Naming the track as one from around 4,000 years ago, in the time of the Cleax Invasions called a "A Plea for Peace from the Military Forces" By the Jonar Toh)

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