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Public News Post #51

Salute Month Two.

Written by: Spacer Rhea
Date: Sunday, December 30th, 2018
Addressed to:

Today we have a wonderful... Something. Let's call it an advertisement. Discussing the turmoil as experienced by the fresh faces of a friend who may be new to Scatterhome and quite drunk as it appears. Courtesy of Kejin, one of our local volunteer new citizen helpers.

(The presentation is mostly musical, as there's a hint of jazzy Elgan youth music mixed with a strumming pop style track about half way through. And ending with a slower jazzy song. The voice reading the article is lispy, but slightly higher pitched growing increasingly amused throughout. The balancing at a decent level that the instrumentation is always audible but doesn't intrude into the vocals. Images flash of worms, the sheer amounts of busy work the average scatterhome citizen handles. Images of the news box which is reading at nearly one hundred and fifty as the image was taken.)

The Galaxy is full of combative turmoil.
At worst, we see each other as enemies. At best, Starships silently passing the infinite darkness. A few times you can find relief in common interactions. I see it everyday in Shatterhome, an under-current to the chaotic facade.
Help born of free-will, for those without any. Hunting Whittler's Hollow can be a bit of a task, just ask anyone from Scatter. Getting off the PTP in Whittler's, I just happen to see Zukala.
When I nodded at him in greeting, his face broke into a smile. I glanced to the south, down the vine-clogged atmospheric generators, the short trees of the park, and the seemIngly endless amount of terraworms and beautifully deadly opal beetles.
In the moment, just looking for a connection in the face of drudgery. So I said to Zuk, "How goes it, brother?" He is a fellow Scatterhomean after all.
A hoverbike sped past, a frantic courier on it's back. I could just barely hear Zukala say, "Kejin rather well, I just left cryo, shaking off the chill and catching up on
my messages..." Something we can all identify with.
Calls, Refendums, msgs. "I get that! I'm off south to slay some worms may degunk some generators." Zukala replied with, "Good luck to ya, watch the acid." I said, "Good heads up. You stay shiny."
Like that, it was over. A short interaction, but I look kindly on you Zukala. In the meaninglessness that is the cosmos, we can share some of our light. So take some time to find a friend, share a drink, fly a ship, kill a few rockhoppers. Honor your faction, your crew, and your dynasty and show them you are proud to be part. And if you are a friend or drink short, reach out to ol Kejin, he has one waiting for you!
BROUGHT TO YOU BY "Kejin for Newbie/Scatterhome Relations"

(The music cuts off and the voice continues amidst the silence, speaking gently)

I hope you have enjoyed a taste of Scatterhomes daily turmoil. And note that the voices in all these articles don't represent any one truth to Scatterhome. But you can't make this stuff up. And it's simply one of the many voices. Let's look forward to next months article, the very first in the interview segments. Featuring the wonderful and quite smart, Millette.

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