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Public News Post #58

Salute Month 4.

Written by: Spacer Rhea
Date: Tuesday, January 1st, 2019
Addressed to:

(The voice of the article is again the same low and lispy one as the previous and the article is scattered with various obfuscated blueprints of ship designs and pictures and videos of the six foot dark stygian purple-eyed Jin within a ships bridge. The whole article has a darkened theme, and a spacey texture in the background.)
For my third interview of that month, I chose the Space Marshal and Paperpusher Kareli. And in that regard, he was a very blunt and matter of fact person. And had the typical expressiveness of his people. So I'll do you all a favor and get to the interview.
First who he is, and where he comes from.

(A video follows from a ships bridge, Kareli standing looking composed, with his hands at his waist and his feet spread in an even position. A hint of a smile on his face.)
Kareli gives a soft chuckle and says, "I am Kareli Val'tarron, of the Jin. I was born on the Blood Ark, our ancestral ship, in the year 899 A.E" Kareli dips his head slightly, and tilts it, "What else do you wish to know?"

Kareli is a space marshal, naturally that led me to be curious about his qualifications regarding this, and why he volunteered, and when asked he had this response.

(A video follows of Kareli, answering the question his face passive, as he surveys the bridge of the ship he's in.)
Kareli says his voice even. "For a time now, I have been taking part in Cosmpiercer raids, exploring our sectors, engaging the enemy in ship to ship combat, and taking part in incursions." Kareli says one hand coming from his waist and grasping in front of him into a tight fist, "I have a firm grasp of ship combat, and how to defend and attack those who wish to do myself, or my Faction harm." Kareli releases his fist and remarks with a chilly humor. "From space, that is."
Kareli continues after that, gesturing and bringing up a blueprint which is obfuscated on the video, "I also have many ideas for strategy in defense of our sectors, and for ship designs to share with the Faction." Kareli points to the blueprint as he finishes, "I just released the first faction template a few weeks ago."

I asked him what he enjoyed about being a space marshall, and he had this to say, after a moment of contemplation.
(Kareli in the next video is observing what looks to be an obfuscated battery or missile design.)
Kareli purses his lips for a moment and replies, "Aside from working on ship designs, I find training with our Armada pilots to be quite enjoyable. I have a few ideas in mind for some new training techniques. Though I imagine I'll need to get some advice from a few Marle sec firm leaders before I can implement them." He gestures out the front of the view screen to the asteroid field that Scatterhome makes its home.

Now is where I break with the single person being quoted article format for a moment, and provide you with the exact wording of a question, because this is an important one for me. And I don't want to be misquoting myself. This is a quote from myself, and I'll move to a more conversational format.
(A video follows, with pictures and names of the positions currently occupied with Scatterhome scrolling across the screen, eventually at the middle of the question, stopping with the names Rylek Ironbound, and Kareli. A Marshal and a Space Marshal each with a position as well in Paper Pusher. Holding there for a moment before snapping to a video of Kareli ansering as his voice starts. )

Rhea says with her voice easy and relaxed sounding different from the voice that displays for the rest of the article. More digitized and like it's coming from a speaker rather than an Elgan's vocal vibrators, teeth and lips. With no trace of a lisp and a slightly more happy upbeat sound to it. "Those are some good things to hear, it gives a lot of hope, now moving on to some tougher questions, you are one of the only members of the faction that has taken on two roles and the only one to do so while the call system was functioning properly. Do you find that this overstretches you at all? And are you concerned at all about the separation of powers and what might happen in the future regarding people with multiple positions?"
Kareli gives a single shake of his head, "No. I took up the position of Paperpusher so I could effectively create files that assist in with my duties as Space Marshal. Unfortunately, while we have many Paper Pushers, I seem to be the most active of them, and I remain out of cryosleep the longest." Kareli continues, a serious look on his face, "I have already adjusted the FHELP index, and created and arranged several files for quality of life purposes." Kareli lifts his hands for a moment, and scrolls through another blurred blueprint, shaking his head, "Furthermore, I plan on creating a file where I can put my thoughts, and the thoughts of other Space Marshals, for the populace to read through. Should decisions need to be made. I hope for full transparency." He ends with a final nod.
Rhea speaks in an even voice as she tries to make her point as politely as possible. "Wonderful, so you would say that you restrict your actions as paper pusher to assistance? And not to deciding on policy or organizing referendum?"
Kareli says with a small smile that grows into a characteristic grin, "Indeed. I should note, that I am quite vocal about my intentions when it comes to policy."
Kareli says, "Frankly, I tend to be on the opposite side of most." He shakes his head once more and then with a click of finality the video feed cuts, and the articles format changes back to it's previous format.

And now my readers I give you the question of the theme, Turmoil. And whether or not it does his portion of life any good.
Kareli says with a more pensive expression showing on his face, "Hmm.. The current turmoil I see in our sectors, is a lack of communication, and vision. While it does not hinder my duties as Space Marshal, it does hinder progress in our Faction." Kareli says, his voice lightly strained, "People argue, for the sake of argument it seems."
When asked for advice on becoming a good Space Marshal, Kareli replied in a serious tone, "Remember that our position does not come with power over others. Do not mistake that fact. The people of Scatterhome are their own individual. It is your job to protect them, not lord over them. Do what you can in defense of the Faction. Do not try and force change."
(There is a note of finality, an even toned mind sim augmented voice continues the article)
Join us next time, for the final of our three interviews. With Ronin Sa'roguu, the Marshal. And then an ending. These interviews are from the perspective of Scatterhome, as they are the ones who I am most easily able to get into touch with. In the future I will strive to get vetting and approach both the Song and the Celestine for potential interviews on the topics.

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