Starmourn Game News

Public News Posts: 484-445

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484Feb 14th, 2022Exciting developments at the Omni Arena.Rahn Dee, the Savage
483Feb 10th, 2022Hangar On Grand Opening!Benny Nebula
482Feb 4th, 2022I love free stuff!Master Hacker Marcella, The Prismatic Fury
481Feb 4th, 2022What about...Flipilaria Matari, the Temporal GazerZarrach Merzavetz
480Feb 4th, 2022Letters, Packages, Parcels, Packets, Gifts and such.Zarrach Merzavetz
479Jan 16th, 2022/\/l\/\ Secret Tour.Guardian Exarch Zoe Qaln, OBViously
478Jan 14th, 2022An addition to the bounty.Bubblegum Boss Keiko T'rath, New Dikamazi Ambassador
477Jan 13th, 2022A bounty on the permanent death of Ishvana agent Ata Aurazi.Flipilaria Matari, the Temporal Gazer
476Jan 5th, 2022HI IT'S ELY!Ely Erling
475Dec 24th, 2021JoyHomes For The Holidays.Guardian Prime Clover Moonchild, Mushroom Queen
474Dec 13th, 2021Festive zippa back at Zippa Hut!Kiru Ano
473Dec 1st, 2021Unique Ships for sale.Soulhunter Rylek Ironbound
472Dec 1st, 2021Commissions Hoo!Proprietor Shulamit Moonchild, Cuisine Master
471Dec 1st, 2021Winterflame Gift Exchange!Candy Bandit Tru Badour, Ringmistress
470Oct 31st, 2021Candyland Costume Contest!Bubblegum Boss Keiko T'rath, New Dikamazi Ambassador
469Oct 18th, 2021Free the Voidwitch.Soulhunter Poet Yi'jiaru, the Voidwitch
468Oct 17th, 2021An Open Letter To HugTech.Guardian Prime Clover Moonchild, Mushroom Queen
467Oct 11th, 2021Bacchanalien!Proprietor Beaux Zevran
466Oct 5th, 2021Keiko's Candyland Costume Contest!Bubblegum Boss Keiko T'rath, New Dikamazi Ambassador
465Sep 29th, 2021Guides on Clan Mournal Kombat.Codespeaker Xuthori
464Sep 19th, 2021Sunrise. Sunset. Just Add Teqzal.Proprietor Beaux Zevran
463Sep 14th, 2021Shardclaw's Final Message.Guardian Executive Zoe Qaln, OBViously
462Sep 11th, 2021Memorial for Shardclaw.Guardian Prime Clover Moonchild, Mushroom Queen
461Aug 28th, 2021Ironbound Rainbow Tesseract Party.Tea Master Sabika Ironbound
460Aug 14th, 2021A witchier witch?Yinio
459Aug 7th, 2021Great Guide Write Up Reminder.Codespeaker Xuthori
458Aug 3rd, 2021SashtarEats Fundraiser Ending!Norsitya
457Aug 3rd, 2021Results of Limited Edition Raffle.Tea Master Sabika Ironbound
456Jan 1st, 1970
455Jul 31st, 2021Reminders: Mournball and Guide contest.Codespeaker Xuthori
454Jul 27th, 2021Limited Edition Raffle - Oldtown Improvements.Tea Master Sabika Ironbound
453Jul 24th, 2021Great Guide WriteUp!Codespeaker Xuthori
452Jul 24th, 2021Next Mournball Match!Codespeaker Xuthori
451Jul 18th, 2021FANCY A GAME OF MOURNBALL?Codespeaker Xuthori
450Jul 13th, 2021Concert Info.Chronomaster Shardclaw Dragonlord, Voidseeker
449Jul 13th, 2021Song Dominion update to vandalism law.Grand Admiral Milo Moonchild
448Jul 11th, 2021Sashtar Eats Fundraiser.Norsitya
447Jul 3rd, 2021Postponement of the Great Guide WriteUp.Codespeaker Xuthori
446Jul 2nd, 2021Winner! - Omnicrafter 963 A.E.Przti Hyiki, Administration Officer - Glisal Crafting Bureau
445Jul 2nd, 2021Seeking skilled and knowledgeable combatants!Codespeaker Xuthori

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A black-gloved hand wields a dazzling rainbow-hued tesseract from the Starmourn sector, held aloft before a cyberpunk cityscape.

Celebrating the New Year with a January Promo Update!

It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge! TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new…
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Human with a black half-face mask in a leather jacket stands before a brightly lit server console in an urban environment. They're holding an illuminated datapad and appear to be hacking the system.

Goodbye Winterflame, Hello New Year~

And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so. For everyone…
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Glowing In The Festive Snow – It’s Winterflamein Starmourn!

Late to post, but for those who don’t already know… It’s officially Winterflame in the Starmourn Sector! Don’t miss your chance to earn up to 8 FREE rainbow gifts to share with your friends, packed with winter holiday presents. In fact, you’ll get one just for talking to Rohna on Omni Station! The Winterflame Festival…
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