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Public News Post #460

A witchier witch?

Written by: Yinio
Date: Saturday, August 14th, 2021
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The logo for a popular Starmourn Sector entertainment gossip holo show appears spinning slowly and it's catchy jingle plays.

Announcer One: "Fans across the sector react to sudden changes in the Voidwitch."

An Amaian teen appears in view, her eyes wide, "Have you seen her" she says, gasping. "She looks terrible! All broken and stuff."

"I dunno, I kinda like it. Spooky as flakk ya know?" says a young human, "She can eat my soul anytime."

Announcer One: "In exclusive footage obtained by this holo show, you can see the Pop Icon on Reynolds station with some other spacers, examining what we are told is a strange skull. It doesn't seem to appear in recordings, though if you look close you may see a smudge in the video."

Announcer Two: "I'm not a scientist, but what do you suppose they are trying to learn by pouring fruity drinks on it?"

The holo cuts to what appears to be a hacked surveillance feed, showing Flipilaria pouring liquid over something on the ground. They then set up a turret and point a laser at another point nearby. Shortly after, everyone in view suddenly covers their ears.

Announcer One: "I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem to have been a wise move. Shortly after this they move to another location nearby, where we are told 'the incident' occurs."

Announcer Two: "That right. Now this footage isn't great and you wouldn't believe what we had to do to get our hands on it."

A group of figures stands in a rough circle, all clearly looking at something. The view zooms in, numbers appearing on one side and names overlaying some of the figures present- Zoe Qaln, Glanconer Ironbound, Ariassa, Flipilaria Matari, Aesan, Erni Ironbound, Solus d'Erebus.

Poet suddenly becomes very still. Her head tilts as if listening and she nods several times. As she stares blindly at the camera her own eyes change, flecks of darkness forming at the edges and flowing inwards until her blank white eyes are stygian black. The color drains from her lilac skin, leaving her a bloodless white and her hair falls. Her tattoo flows and shifts beneath her bloodless white skin, forming a pulsing alien script across her entire body. With a hoarse cry, she swats the at the air in front of her. Staggering, she falls, striking her head and snapping one of her horns in half on the edge of a nearby bench.

The holo cuts to what seems to be a few moments later. In a cold machinelike tone, Poet says, "Emi am awon Ofo ni Aje."

Announcer One: "What does the future hold for Voidwitch? We'll have to wait and see, she doesn't have any shows currently scheduled, reportedly being in the process of recording a new single. Whether or not she will perform again seems to be anyone's guess."

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