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Public News Post #467


Written by: Proprietor Beaux Zevran
Date: Monday, October 11th, 2021
Addressed to:

Greetings People Less Sparkly and Glittering than I,

The Gala to end all Galas or rather they would be lucky enough to even just bask in the shadow of Bacchanalien! for a glimpse of awesome! Is drawing ever closer. The refreshments and gourmet menu have all been sit in place! And of course a gala of this amazing requires the dapperest of dapper wear and gowns and suits and kimonos or whatever attire. So without further ado the theme.

Masquerade in the Neon Garden of Twilighta Rapture

Come dressed to impress in your fashion interpretation of the theme. Let your imagination run wild! Dazzle all in your attire as you walk the carpet. Let everyone gaze in awe as you debut whats hip and in. Keep it simple or go all out. The best dressed and worst dressed (I mean Holgorath will make the list. But under what category? Will he finally enlist the asistance of someone with actual style?) shall be all the take of the holosphere the next day. And the top as voted on by their peers shall have their own article written by the premier smither of words. THEE Beaux. So grab your Sabika's or Lupis or other faction fashionistas and dare to dream.

Next - Do you fancy yourself an entertainer? Can you tickle the synthboards with your jazzy melody. Can you juggle eighteen fire holobatons while doing a handstand? Can you Krellian throat chant space shantys and harmonize in discordant chords with just your own voice? Well hit me up or if you can or just want to enthrall Gala goers with your artistic prowess. A swag bag or caprice box will also be given to all attendees to zommerate their attendance.

Shouts out the the Ironbound Dynasty and Matari Toh who have donated as sponsors. Your gift bag mwill have one unique item designed as thanks for their participation. Maybe you will recieve an exculsive Ironbound varsity bomber jacket, a Matari Toh diadem of swirling silver dust and starlight, or (insert new sponsor) vogue diamond fingerless gloves, or even a (insert new sponsor) amethyst and sapphire gold mask, or those new (inset new sponsor) emerald encrusted sable leather sneakers. A scintillating ultramarine and aquamarine headdress by another sponsor who hasnt offered yet, maybe?

The Gala will take place after the costume party.

Should you have questions, comments, concerns, queries, wishes of well please hit me up in message fashion and I will do my best to answer them.

If you have complaints but no suggestions on how to rememdy such areas of opportunity. Please take it up with someone who is an ample care farmer who has a myriad of cares to give. For I did not tend the fields and alas have none.

Or Morgan.

Beaux Zevran
Imperator of Imaginative Impossibilites
Caker of Confections and Cool
Saucer of Scantily Swarthiness
Beckoner of Bountiful Beautiful Beautillions

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