Starmourn Game News

Public News Posts: 247-208

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247Dec 3rd, 2019Winterflame Giftcatcher Giveaway.Defender Ninvahn Nova
246Nov 30th, 2019Oof.Flipilaria, the Fabulously RichGrand Architect Clover Moonchild, Director of Joy
245Nov 27th, 2019Deiskiat Dome Restaurant Opportunity.Emitia Hayonous
244Nov 27th, 2019Wundishu Biotech.Codespeaker Clover Moonchild, Director of Joy
243Nov 27th, 2019You Wish, Space Rat.Blaze BraagshFlipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
242Nov 27th, 2019I challenge you.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
241Nov 21st, 2019On fishies.Codespeaker Clover Moonchild, Director of Joy
240Nov 19th, 2019Do you take me for a fool?Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
239Nov 19th, 2019Reparations, damages, etc.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
238Nov 19th, 2019My turrets.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
237Nov 16th, 2019Cryogenesis.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
236Oct 30th, 2019Legal Clarifications.Spacer GrekArgo T'rath
235Oct 29th, 2019My response.Argo T'rathRen, Guardian General
234Oct 29th, 2019Your dissension.Ren, Guardian GeneralArgo T'rath
233Oct 29th, 2019A dissension.Argo T'rath
232Oct 22nd, 2019HETE PSA: Crossings Cloning Clinic Reopened.Sherkaney Tikikik
231Oct 20th, 2019Your cult and your insanity.Flipilaria, the Fabulously RichArgo T'rath
230Oct 20th, 2019A reply.Ata Aurazi, Strike LeaderArgo T'rath
229Oct 20th, 2019Regarding Nocturne and Previous Events.Argo T'rath
228Oct 19th, 2019T'rath.Rylek IronboundArgo T'rath
227Oct 19th, 2019Ironbound are open for business.Rylek Ironbound
226Oct 19th, 2019Thank you.Ren, Guardian Executive
225Oct 14th, 2019K0NF3KTI0N AFFECTION tour! - a note from Orrin.Bionic Gardener Orrin
224Oct 14th, 2019The K0NF3KTI0N AFFECTION Tour.Musical Prodigy Keiko, New Dikamazi Ambassador
223Oct 8th, 2019Read'n'Roam Cafe Opening.a Human wearing a hook-beaked condor mask
222Oct 7th, 2019Further Reconciliation.Spacer Grek Lockwood
221Oct 6th, 2019Reconciliation.Spacer Grek Lockwood
220Oct 5th, 2019Guilty Until Proven Innocent??Spacer Sage T'rath
219Oct 4th, 2019Goredogs.Flipilaria Eyrlock, the Fabulously RichDefender Ninvahn Nova
218Oct 4th, 2019Goredogs.a Shen wearing a sly-eyed bandit's mask
217Oct 4th, 2019Requesting an audience.Flipilaria Eyrlock, the Fabulously RichShoko T'rath
216Oct 4th, 2019Sslenick.Xenozoologist Clover Moonchild
215Oct 2nd, 2019Battlebots.Flipilaria Eyrlock, the Fabulously RichXenozoologist Clover Moonchild
214Oct 2nd, 2019And another thing.Xenozoologist Clover Moonchild
213Oct 2nd, 2019A Goredog Addendum.Flipilaria Eyrlock, the Fabulously Rich
212Oct 2nd, 2019Goredogs.Flipilaria Eyrlock, the Fabulously Rich
211Oct 2nd, 2019Protest Goredog Fighting.Xenozoologist Clover Moonchild
210Sep 9th, 2019Cosmic Comics #4 (Aesua)Aesua
209Sep 7th, 2019A strangely modified shrink ray.Flipilaria Eyrlock
208Sep 7th, 2019Cryogenesis.Flipilaria Eyrlock

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A black-gloved hand wields a dazzling rainbow-hued tesseract from the Starmourn sector, held aloft before a cyberpunk cityscape.

Celebrating the New Year with a January Promo Update!

It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge! TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new…
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Human with a black half-face mask in a leather jacket stands before a brightly lit server console in an urban environment. They're holding an illuminated datapad and appear to be hacking the system.

Goodbye Winterflame, Hello New Year~

And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so. For everyone…
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Glowing In The Festive Snow – It’s Winterflamein Starmourn!

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