Starmourn Game News

Public News Posts: 207-168

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207Sep 2nd, 2019Cryogenesis.Flipilaria
206Aug 31st, 2019Cryogenesis' Concert.Flipilaria
205Aug 28th, 2019A modified shrink ray.Flipilaria
204Aug 26th, 2019Cosmic Comics #3 (Aesua)Aesua
203Aug 21st, 2019An open letter to HugTech.Slander Erebus, Goddess of Scatterhome
202Aug 21st, 2019An Open Letter To HugTech.Hacker Kass
201Aug 21st, 2019An open letter to HugTech.Flipilaria
200Aug 20th, 2019An open letter to HugTech.Guru Clover Moonchild
199Aug 16th, 2019Band Instructions (Song on the Verge)Captain Steve Sol'lun
198Aug 15th, 2019Band Final Call: Song on the Verge.Captain Steve Sol'lun
197Aug 13th, 2019Calling All Bands: Second Call.Captain Steve Sol'lun
196Aug 12th, 2019Cosmic Comics #2 (Aesua) - SPECIAL EDITION.Aesua
195Aug 8th, 2019Calling All Bands.Captain Steve Sol'lun
194Aug 6th, 2019Used corvette.Explorer Jericho Night
193Aug 4th, 2019Another bad joke relating to noodles.FlipilariaSmuggler Jericho
192Aug 4th, 2019Cosmic Comics #1 (Aesua)Aesua
191Aug 4th, 2019Bad Joke.Flipilaria
190Jul 31st, 2019Information.Xin
189Jul 8th, 2019To the Nabians.Flipilaria
188Jul 1st, 2019Calling All Budding Xenozoologists!Master Hacker Clover Corvidae, Robotanist
187Jul 1st, 2019Regarding leech orchids.Master Hacker Clover Corvidae, Robotanist
186Jun 24th, 2019Meet Starmourn's Champion.Mogi
185Jun 23rd, 2019Public Service Announcement.Architect Clover Corvidae, Robotanist
184Jun 21st, 2019Champion of Starmourn Finals!Mogi
183Jun 19th, 2019Champion of Starmourn Bracket Stage.Mogi
182Jun 7th, 2019Omission to last post.Mogi
181Jun 7th, 2019Champion of Starmourn update #2.Mogi
180Jun 5th, 2019Champion of Starmourn update.Mogi
179Jun 4th, 2019Get the action Starmourn.Mogi
178Jun 3rd, 2019Champion of Starmourn update.Mogi
177Jun 2nd, 2019Free The Eckin.Explorer Clover Corvidae, Director of Joy
176May 31st, 2019Combat tournament.Mogi
175May 28th, 2019Science!Ata Aurazi, Strike Leader
174May 3rd, 2019PPP's Jewelry Offer!Voyager Peiry Lockwood, VP
173Apr 27th, 2019Slander & Vaxis Wedding.Slander Erebus
172Apr 23rd, 2019Free The Eckin!Clover Corvidae, Director of Joy
171Apr 14th, 2019Mining and gas clouds.Tiase
170Apr 13th, 2019Demonstration.Xylem Eyrlock
169Apr 11th, 2019Open letter to the Lord Commander.Ren, Guardian ExecutiveStarmourner Vega T'rvati, Lord Commander
168Apr 9th, 2019Humans in Starmourn Sector.Starmourner Nykara Sa'rogue, Director of Sorrow

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A black-gloved hand wields a dazzling rainbow-hued tesseract from the Starmourn sector, held aloft before a cyberpunk cityscape.

Celebrating the New Year with a January Promo Update!

It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge! TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new…
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Human with a black half-face mask in a leather jacket stands before a brightly lit server console in an urban environment. They're holding an illuminated datapad and appear to be hacking the system.

Goodbye Winterflame, Hello New Year~

And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so. For everyone…
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Glowing In The Festive Snow – It’s Winterflamein Starmourn!

Late to post, but for those who don’t already know… It’s officially Winterflame in the Starmourn Sector! Don’t miss your chance to earn up to 8 FREE rainbow gifts to share with your friends, packed with winter holiday presents. In fact, you’ll get one just for talking to Rohna on Omni Station! The Winterflame Festival…
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