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Public News Post #195

Calling All Bands.

Written by: Captain Steve Sol'lun
Date: Thursday, August 8th, 2019
Addressed to:

Hi. I'm Steve Sol'lun. I work for the Song Dominion Department of Tourism, and this is an authorized message.


This here's is a call for band performers interested in participating in a first-of-its-kind sponsored music festival next year. The short of it is, you play, you get paid, so come. More details regarding the festival will come in the following months.


Here are the details about the festival itself:

- WHAT is it? A big concert bash featuring as many names, big and small, as we can find. Bands, specifically. (Solo acts, so long as they're in bands, are welcome.)

- Who'll be there? Bands and fans from all parts of the Sector.

- When's this thing happening? 1st of Centi around the Sync.*

- Where do I go? The Verge, in Song City.

- Is there a theme? Yeah, there is. Home. Whatever "home" means to you, that's what the festival's about. Consider it a loose guideline.


Now, you, talented performer, may be thinking to yourself, "why do I want to play in some Dominion music festival?" I think that's a fair question.

Here's why you, talented performer in a band, should sign up:

- You play, you get paid. 5,000 marks per performer who puts on a special show (none of that garden-variety practice stuff). To be clear, band size isn't the measure of payment. It's per performer. Solo band? 5,000 marks. Three member band? 15,000. But it's got to be a band performance.

- You play, you sell tickets. That's more marks in your account.

- You play, you build your brand. Popularity sells, friends.


This is the first call for performers. Message me with your pledge to perform. The theme's "home."

Thanks. I'll answer questions, of course. Expect more news in the coming months.


*[OOC: The date is Friday, August 16th at Sync. That's 8:00 PM Eastern for my fellow NA folks who can't time. Please let me know if I've got the wrong IC date.]

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