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Public News Post #196

Cosmic Comics #2 (Aesua) - SPECIAL EDITION.

Written by: Aesua
Date: Monday, August 12th, 2019
Addressed to:

Cosmic Comics #2 - SPECIAL EDITION
By Aesua

Advertising spot
available for 5000 marks!

Message Aesua for more


Song on the Verge

n__n Hello everyone!
//_()_\ Its me, Aesua!
// O\/O \
(| , | And today were
||\ < > /| going to check out
///\____/|| the preparations
||||_| |_\\ for the upcoming
//// \/ \|| Song on the Verge
|||/ / \ \ || Festival!

/\ n__n
<()> //_()_\ Even though
\/ // o\/o \ its going to
(| , | be held at
||\ <> /| the Verge, the
///\____/|| festival is open
||||_| |_\\\ to everyone!
//// \/ \||
|||/ / \ \ \|_____
_ ||( (| / /\____/-- _
( ) \ \ | ( )
==|=====\_\ \==========|===
|_| /\_) \ |_|
|_| | \ |_|
|_| | ///) |_|
|_| | ///\ \ |_|
|_| ////| \ \ |_|
|_| // | | \ \ |_|
|_| / ) | | |_|
_|_|_____/ /_____| |_____|_|__
_|_|___ / / ____ | | ____|_|__
____/_ /\_\ ___/_|\_\ ____/___
______ \/\_\ ___ ||\_\ _______

Ahh... the night sky in Song
is so beautiful...

* _()_ *
* __/_/\_\__,____
/\ __ \\\\||////_|_|/
<()> \_V_E_R/
\/ n__n _ |||||| _
* ///|\\ \====/
* ///||// \/ *
///////|) ||
||||///| \|
* /////////_ |\ *
/////|||| \ ||
_ /////////_\ \ \|_
( ) /|||||/ /____) |( )
==|======/ /==========|===
|_| ( \ |_|
|_| \ \ |_|
|_| \ | |_|
|_| | | |_|
|_| //////// |_|
|_| _ _/ / | | |_|
|_| (_)__/ | | |_|
_|_|__|~|/_____|\_\ _____|_|__
_|_|___\|______||\_\ ____|_|__

n__n Ahem.
//_()_\ Anyways,
// O\/O \ were here!
(| , | That tower
||\ < > /| there is
///\____/\\ the Verge!
|||| | | ||
* _______ *
__---/ / | |---__ *
/ /__/--------|___\ \
/--- \ / --_\
/ \ / \
* |________\_----_/________|
\_ / - |\ _/
---__/ - |_\----
* /= -|
/ = |
/ = | *
/ = |
* / = |
__/ =|
\ __ |=
* / \ __ |
/ \ _ | *
/ \ __ |
/ \ __ | *
/ / / __|
/ n__n / /| __
/ ///|\\ |/_/
///||||| |
|||||||||) |
/|||//||\ |
//////|\\ |

//_()_\ Its
// O\/O \ really
(| , | tall!
||\ O /|
|||| | | ||

//_()_\ And it has
// >\/< \ all those
(| , | stairs...
||\ -- /|
|||| | | ||

Thankfully, I have my

* ==____==
/\ /--//\\--\ /\
((\\_/ | | \_//))
\\ /////\\\\\ //
\\ HOVER X-10 //
\_____ _____/ *
(patent pending)
_(*)_ *
_ \\\\|||////_|_|/
_ ||||||| _
\=====/ *
* \ /
| |
| | *
* | | *
| |
| |
| | o vrrr
_(*)_ *
_ \\\\|||////_|_|/
_ ||||||| _
\=====/ *
* \ /
| |
| | *
* | | *
| |
| |
|\| o vrrr
| | =^=
_(*)_ *
_ \\\\|||////_|_|/
_ ||||||| _
\=====/ *
* \ /
| |
| | *
* | | This might
|\| take a while...
| | /
| | o vrrr
|\| =^=
| |


__\/ _V_E_R_G_E_ \/__
/\ _/ ___/ / / | \ \ \___ \_ /\
\/ / _/ / \ \_ \ \/
/ / O \ \
______\/ / __---+=====|=====+---__ \ \/____
Wow... o ____ o ____
n__n ^ |////-^--BAR----\\\\| o o
///|\\ /_o___| = = = o |_o___\ ^ ^
///||||| \ ^ ##O####^# ^ /O
|||||||||) |__O_ ##^###### ____| ^
/|||//||\ ///^/-----------\\\\\
//////|\\ -----------
//_()_\ So how
// O\/O \ are you --
(| , | liking
||\ O /| the Verge?
|||| | | ||

Hey (((((((( )
Steve! \ \_ \_ \)
/ | O/ O |)
(| \ / |)
| | - | |
| |

o _________|\|_
_^_ __\/ _V_E_R_G|/| \/__
|/| /\ _/ ___/ / / | \|\|\___ \_ /\
|\| \/ / _/ / o|/| \ \_ \ \/
|/| # / / O ^|\| \ \
__|\|__##o_#____\/ / __---+=====|=====+---__ \ \/____
^ o ____ o ____
((((((() n__n ^ |////-^--BAR----\\\\| o_##_o
(/////// ///|\\ /_o___| = = = o |_o___\^ ^
|//////| ///||||| \ ^ ##O####^# ^ /O
(|||||||) |||||||||) |__O_ ##^###### ____| ^
| | /|||//||\ ///^/-----------\\\\\
\ / //////|\\ -----------
So how are the preparations coming along?

Pretty well.
Ill be (((((((( )
hosting the \ \_ \_ \)
whole event, and | O/ O |)
weve got bands (| \ / |
from all over the | | o | |
galaxy that are \______/
going to be _o_| |_o_
performing here. // \/ \\

//_()_\ Very nice!
// O\/O \ So what are
(| , | you guys
||\ < > /| working on
///\____/\\ now?
||||_| |_\\
//// \/ \||
|||/ / \ \ ||
mostly. (((((((( )
Weve got \ \_ \_ \)
security for the | O/ O |)
entire event, (| \ / |
Iafri is working | | o | |
on catering, and \______/
Asteyr is dealing _o_| |_o_
with the logistics. // \/ \\

//_()_\ And of course,
// O\/O \ youre working
(| o , o | to publicize ---
||\ <> /| the festival.
||||_| |_\\ \
//// \/ \|| Aww, thanks!
|||/ / \ \ ||

//_()_\ I shouldnt keep
// O\/O \ you from your
(| , | work. It was nice
||\ < > /| talking to you!
///\____/\\ ------
||||_| |_\\ /
//// \/ \|| Very well.
|||/ / \ \ ||
__\/ _V_E_/\G_E_ \/__
/\ _/ ___/ / o<\/\ \ \___ \_ /\
\/ / _/ / \/\ \ \_ \ \/
# / / ON O \/\ HE \ \
##__#_\/ / __---+=====|=====+---__ \ \/____
o ____ o ____
n__n ^ |////-^--BAR----\\\\| ##\\\
///|\\ /_____| o = = o |_o___\ ##=\
///||||| \ #^#####^# ^ /O ##/\
|||||||||) |__O_ ######### ____| ^
/|||//||\ ///^/-----------\\\\\
//////|\\ -----------
`-- I guess I should look for
Iafri and Asteyr now.

//_()_\ Hey Iafri!
// O\/O \ Hey Asteyr!
(| , | /
||\ < > /|
||||_| |_\\
//// \/ \||
|||/ / \ \ ||

Hello. /|/|/| /\/\/\-
/ _ _ \\ Hey!/\/\/\//-
\ o\/o /\\ / `  //-
\-== < ==-/\ | O O |/-
| \<>/ |\\\ \ /|\ //
\____/ \\|//
| | | |

/|/|/| Have you checked
/ _ _ \\ out the concert
\ o\/o /\\ hall yet?
\-== < ==-/\ Its going to be
| \<>/ |\\\ packed during
\____/ --- the festival
_o_| |_o_ in five months!
/ \/ \
//_()_\ Wow, this
// O\/O \ is...
(| , |
||\ O /|
||||_| |_\\
//// \/ \||
|||/ / \ \ ||

_ /||/ ___________ ___________ ___________ /
_ _/||/ / // // / /
_ /||/ / * // * // * / /
_ _/||/ / _______//_ * // * / /
_ /||/ / / // / // |\ / /
_ _/||/ /___/______//_/\_______//___|/\____/ /
_ /||/ ___________ ___________ ___________ /______ ___
_ _/||/ / /______//_/ \ ___//__ | / \/ /O==> ////
_ /||/ / / // / /*/ // /| *|/__/ / ||__ / /
_ _/||/ / \ // \ \/ // / | | / / /|| // /
_ /||/ / * / // / / // / | | / / /___// /
_ _/||/ /______\___//____\__/__//__/___|__|/ / / /
_ /||/ ___________ ___________ ___________ /_______/ /
_ _/||/ / ___\_//______\_| // | |*/ / |______| /
_ /||/ / * /____//_________|// | |/ / /_____/ /
/||/ / ____| // // | / / |_____| /
||/ / /____| // // | / / /____/ /
|/ /_|_____|__//__________//|______|__/ / |_____|/

...this is the concert hall?
Yep! Glass floor!
//_()_\ This festival
// O\/O \ is going to
(| , | be great!
||\ < > /|
||||_| |_\\
//// \/ \||
|||/ / \ \ ||

Everybody /\/\/\-
should come! /\/\/\//-
There will / `  //-
be lots of | O O |/-
free food! \ /|\ //
| |
//_()_\ Well, that sums
// O\/O \ it up folks!
(| , | Come celebrate
||\ < > /| with us at
///\____/\\ the Song On
||||_| |_\\ the Verge
//// \/ \|| Festival!
|||/ / \ \ ||

\ S O N G O N /
\ ___T__H__E___ /
__\/ _V_E_R_G_E_ \/__
/\ _/ ___/ / / | \ \ \___ \_ /\
\/ / _/ / \ \_ \ \/
/ / O \ \
______\/ / __---+=====|=====+---__ \ \/____
o ____ o ____
n__n ^ |////-^--BAR----\\\\| o o
//_()_\ /_o___| = = = o |_o___\ ^ ^
// >\/< \ \ ^ ##O####^# ^ /O
(| , | |__O_ ##^###### ____| ^
||\ < > /| ///^/-----------\\\\\
///\____/\\ -----------
||||_| |_\\

See you there!

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