Game Help Files

12.3.3 The Frixion System

The Frixion System is the location of Frixion VI, the homeworld of the Nusriza. It is within the bounds of Song Dominion Territory.

The surface of Frixion VI is largely uninhabited, as the dense cloud cover of its atmosphere prevents sunlight from reaching it more than a few times a year. This meteorological phenomena occurred tens of thousands of years in the past, and led to the Nusriza civilization's lofty architecture. Below the clouds, the surface of the planet is a barren, chilly wasteland, uninhabitable by the warmth-loving race.

The capital of Frixion VI, Mir, is a sight that few visitors to the planet ever forget: a forest of disc-like buildings soaring above the clouds on slender stalks from horizon to horizon.

Goribar Farm
Many large farms are spread across Frixion VI, but Goribar is closest to the capital. Collectively owned by several throngs who supply the work force, the farm grows a variety of native and off-world products.

Arrizuri Quarry
The Arrizuri Quarry is a calludite quarry on the surface of Frixion VI. Run by a Nusriza-owned corporation, workers are mostly recruited from Ry'nari on Hororeon.