Game Help Files
6.5 Props and Cover
Most locations in Starmourn will contain items which may or may not be useful to you. Sometimes they are interactive, sometimes merely decorative, often they can even be destroyed. Some are large enough that you can take cover behind them, affording some protection from attacks! Taking Cover ------------ Props that seem large enough to hide behind can probably be used as cover. TAKE COVER Take cover behind the first available prop. TAKE COVER <prop> Take cover behind a specified prop. LEAVE COVER Leave the relative safety of your cover. Taking cover reduces the chance that you will be hit by a ranged attack, moreso if the attack is coming from another location. Moving will automatically cause you to leave your cover, as will hitting someone with a melee attack who is not behind the same cover as you. Interacting with Props ---------------------- In addition to taking cover behind props, there are a number of special ways you can interact with certain props. You'll have to experiment to find out what works on which props. SIT ON <prop> Sit on it. There may be room for more! LIE ON <prop> Lie down on it. Zzzzzzzzzz. STAND Get back up. CLIMB <prop> Climb on it. This will put you out of reach of melee attacks from people not on the prop. You also cannot use melee attacks against people not on the prop. CLIMB DOWN Climb down from a prop. FLIP <prop> Turn it over, sometimes turning it into cover if it was not already (like a table). RIGHT <prop> The opposite of flipping it over. The command PROPS is used to gain information about props in the room. You can always find out which cover someone is behind specifically with ASSESS <person>. Your pose will change depending on whether you are flying, taking cover, sitting or lying down. In the case of the SIT and LIE commands, you can add up to two descriptors to your seated or lying pose using: [SIT/LIE] [ON/IN/AT] [item/ground] [verb] [adjective] E.g. If I wanted to lie in 'a bubbling jacuzzi' I could do: LIE IN JACUZZI FLOATING SERENELY This would display to the room as: "Damiel is here, floating serenely in a bubbling jacuzzi" If you use these descriptors, you will get a line telling you how it will look. You can check how you're currently appearing in the room at any time by using LOOK ME. Destroying Props ---------------- You can attack props to destroy them. Once a prop is destroyed, if someone is using it as cover, they won't be anymore! You can light some props on fire. They will burn for a while and eventually be destroyed. Some props are also explosive and will deal damage to everything in the room, including other props. Props can also contain shrapnel, which can damage everything in adjacent rooms, which in turn might also be explosive or filled with shrapnel, triggering a multi-room chain reaction.