Game Help Files

94.5.4 Promo Customizations

These are customization items found in various promotions. Some items may not be currently obtainable.

- various datashards
You may TOUCH these datashards to unlock them and receive a random ship customization that you can then apply to your ships (see HELP SHIP CUSTOMIZATION for more info). The type of datashard indicates the category of customization you will receive. If you have unlocked all customizations of that particular type, you will receive a small credit reward instead.

- various genevaults

- atomic matter articulators
These are redeemable for 50cr worth of customization request (see HELP 6.19 for more info).

- a stamp of authenticity
These will make a designed item non-decay and permanently archive that design. (See help 94.5.9 for more)

Temporary buffs

- augmentation chips
Augmentation chips come in two varieties: experience (normal/captaincy/hacking) and stats. The type they belong to is indicated in the chip's name which you can see in your inventory. To activate a chip, you may SOCKET <chip> and it will be activated, lasting 3 hours.