Game Help Files

4.4 Maps

With the MAP command you can see your current locale in a glance - your location plus neighbouring locations as well.

How to Use the Map
  MAP               If you're in a place that has been mapped, you'll see the 
                    location you're in.
  MAP RADIUS <#>    May show you some nearby locations. You can increase your 
                    radius as high as five. You can put any value 1-5, but 1 
                    isn't much of a map!
  ROOMNUM           will tell you the ID number of the room you are in.
  CONFIG MAPSHOW ON will show the map every time you move (useful in caches!)
  WALK TO <#>       If you have the ID number of a room, you can walk to it 
                    whilst in the same area using this syntax.

What Do All the Symbols Mean?
Most of the symbols you see should be clear. Here is a key:

   +   Your position       
  [ ]  A location

  [<]  In exit                      [L]  Lift
  [>]  Out exit                     [T]  Transport Shuttle and/or PTP
  [^]  Up exit                      [$]  Shop or Trade Terminal
  [_]  Down exit                    [J]  Junk Shop
  [=]  Up and Down exits            [R]  Repair Shop
  [x]  Combination of exits         [C]  Cloning Facility
  [@]  Docking room                 [M]  Mail Service
                                    [A]  Customization and Rejuvenation

Any other line out of a location, such as -, /, |, or \, is an exit going north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, or northwest from that place.

What if There's a Connection that Doesn't Seem to Go Anywhere?
You may be at the border between two maps, or whatever is beyond the connection may be something special, like a mansion inside a city. Either way, just step across the border to see more. It is probably a good idea to GLANCE first to see what you are getting into.

What about space?
There are a number of maps that are helpful whilst flying your ship in space. The most general is the starchart, but a few others also exist, which are well worth cross-referencing:

STARCHART [destination]


Your ship is always denoted by a red X, while your destination on starchart is a yellow X. 


These will give you a list of these locations, with co-ordinates. You can use SHIP PLOT TO <dest> to see exact co-ordinates if needed.