Game Help Files

12.4 Celestine Ascendancy Territory

Fifty billion people live on the densely urban planet of Glisal II, the capital of the Celestine Ascendancy. Massive cities sprawl across most of the planet's continents and pollution clouds the atmosphere. Towering skyscrapers, the homes of the social and political elite, soar high above smog-choked urban valleys.

In the 880s A.E, a group of revolutionaries known as the Glisal Guardians overthrew the planet's corporate council, nationalized the ruling corporations and installed their surviving leaders as a tribunal governing the planet. Yet despite the Angel's Revolution, crime and economic inequality still run rampant, with the top 0.1% of the population having more power than the rest of the planet combined.

The planet itself is of Earth-standard gravity and boasts a ring system around it, which visibly takes up half the sky, even during the day. Two platinum-rich moons also orbit the planet, which are a major source of wealth for the Ascendancy.

Racially, the dominant races on Glisal II are the W'hoorn, the Nath-el, the Shen, and the Tukkav, with, as on most cosmopolitan worlds, smatterings of most of the other races of Starmourn Sector.

The Celestine Ascendancy Territory is located in the CA quadrant, and encompasses the Glisal, Barrak, Uycheon, Faleon, and Benu systems. Its capital is Litharge.

The main faction station for The Celestine Ascendancy is Celestine Crossings.

More information on the Celestine Ascendancy can be found by visiting: