Game Help Files

93.5 Wellbeing

Your wellbeing outside of the game is the most important thing.

PLEASE make sure that you look after yourself and show compassion, consideration and kindness to your fellow players.

Sometimes the galaxy can be a huge and daunting place, and sometimes interactions can leave you feeling awful, so we've gathered some very useful links for you here, which might help you to feel a little less awful. 
The basis for our SAFETY system. 
This whole website is incredibly helpful, with an entire section dedicated to dealing with interpersonal issues and dealing with the stresses encountered in online gaming. 
How to recognize unhealthy online relationships. 
This article, as well as the wider mental health first aid website, has some amazing resources for protecting and nurturing your own mental wellbeing. 
This is a useful post on r/MUD on reddit, with some helpful advice if you feel that you need to move away from the game. 
If you feel that your gaming is an addiction, here is some information, with strategies and tips to help you to overcome an unhealthy relationship with your hobby. 
A page about mindfulness, which can be really good for connecting with the real world and grounding you if you feel swept away or overwhelmed by... well... anything. 
Both of these are chapters in an interesting book by John Suler, Ph.D. which looks at the way we engage with online communities and networks, as well as a lot of other "cyberpsychology."
A useful post on 'lovebombing' and other signs of emotional abuse.
Spotting digital dating abuse