Game Help Files

16.4 Mission Control

The Mindsim Unlimited Diversionary Simulcast (or M.U.D.S. for short) hosts, among other entertainment activities, the Mission Control game.

To participate, players must obtain special missile batteries that act as currency to play the game. Each missile battery will grant you one shot! Missile batteries are obtained from the website when the relevant promotion is running.

To play the game, find a relevant Mission Control game room. Each capital and the Almasi asteroid have one such game room (you can find them via LANDMARKS). In the room, you may use the MISSIONCONTROL command to interact with the system

The game features a 10x10 grid, each square in the grid representing a sector where you have a target to shoot down. Simply choose a grid square and shoot the enemy down with your missile battery and you will win a prize.

One big difference from other promotions is that the prizes are selected and set in stone when the grid is generated. That means that 100 prizes are selected and distributed on the grid. You can always see what prizes are left on the grid via MISSIONCONTROL PRIZES. The grid will automatically reset when there are no more prizes or when the value of prizes left is too low (gotta keep things interesting).

The syntax is:

MISSIONCONTROL                          See the Game's area display.
MISSIONCONTROL TARGET X Y               Target an area by its (x,y) coordinates.
MISSIONCONTROL TARGET NUMBER #          Target an area by its number.
MISSIONCONTROL # or X Y                 Take a look at a specific area.
MISSIONCONTROL OPENED                   List all raided areas.
MISSIONCONTROL CLOSED                   List all areas still unexplored.
MISSIONCONTROL PRIZES                   List the prizes remaining in unexplored areas.
MISSIONCONTROL BONUS                    Check how close your faction is to a free missile battery

By doing various tasks and activities in game, you will also earn missiles. When you obtain 10 of these missiles, they will automatically convert into a missile battery that you will be able to use in the game.
Currently you may obtain missiles from:
- Xenozoology bounties (1-3 per)
- Listening to the M.U.D.S. channel
- More activities may be released throughout the month

There is also a public channel called (M.U.D.S.) that will broadcast whenever someone plays and wins a prize. You may turn this channel off via your CONFIG options (CONFIG MUTEPROMOCHANNEL), but listening to this channel has a chance to give you 1 missile everytime someone plays. This channel will most likely be used in the future for other promotional activities.