Game Help Files

94.11 Loveletters

Loveletters are a promotional product from Amory all about sharing your heartfelt messages, and rewards, with others.

Loveletters are available for purchase from the website in months where the promotion is active.

Loveletters come in two varieties:

A 'Spread The Love' Letter: These letters award both sender and recipient a standard prize and a love token to spend in The Amory shop on Omni Station (LANDMARKS when on Omni should take you there!). But that's not the end of the fun! These letters can then be forwarded as many times as you like - with the first 5 recipients AND senders getting a small token gift on the way. Each sync while Loveletters are active, there will be three 25 credit prizes for the person who has been sent the most letters, the person who has sent the most letters, and the person who sent the letter that was forwarded the most times (no give-backs of the same letter, and daily prizes will be divided in the event of a tie).
A 'Special Someone' Letter:
These letters are single use only, but they award both sender and recipient with a prize with 6x the value of a standard prize. Both of you also get 3 love tokens!


Loveletter syntax is simple:

LOVELETTER SEND <letter> <target>: Send a letter to someone.
LOVELETTER STATS: View stats about how many letters you've sent and received this Sync and this RL month.

You may also write additional text onto a loveletter, which is displayed when someone READs it, by using PUSH <letter> <message>.