Game Help Files

5.5 Expressions

How to be more expressive? 


You can complement SAY/TELL with adverbs by prefacing what you are saying with the adverb (or phrase) surrounded in asterisks.

For example:

   If Tecton types:    SAY TO GARRYN *ANGRILY* You barbarian!
   Garryn sees:        Tecton says angrily to you, "You barbarian!"
   Others see:         Tecton says angrily to Garryn, "You barbarian!"

   If Garryn types:    TELL TECTON *LONGINGLY* I miss you!
   Tecton sees:        Garry tells you longingly, "I miss you!"

These adverbs/phrases can be combined with prefatory phrases (HELP SPEAKING), but the prefatory phrase must come AFTER the adverb/phrase


You can also use certain emoticons, a.k.a. smileys, to further express yourself when using SAY/TELL. These only work if you use them at the end of whatever you are saying.

For example...
   If Tecton types:   SAY Punch it, Chewie! :)
   Others will see:   Tecton happily says, "Punch it, Chewie!"

   if Tecton types:   TELL GARRYN I lost my space ship :(
   Garryn will see:   Tecton sadly tells you, "I lost my space ship."

Here are all the emoticons that work:

   :)  happily          :(  sadly           :S uneasily
   :)) very happily     :(( very sadly      :O incredulously
   :D  laughingly       :,  unhappily       :/ skeptically
   ;)  jokingly         :,( tearfully       :B longingly
   :,) joyfully         :@  angrily         :? thoughtfully
   :>  impishly         :#  irritably       :| hesitantly
   :P  playfully        D:  woefully        :$ shyly
   <3  lovingly         ^-^ cutesily        XO hopelessly