Game Help Files

16.5 Battlebots

Bot fighting is a popular past time within Starmourn sector. Bot kits, fabricated and sold by corporate members of the Mechanized Entertainment Combat Cooperative (or MECC), are wildly popular among young and old. 

Strict rules and regulations govern MECC members, with each paying corp limited to the development of one specialized bot "type", which they may then promote, upgrade, and fabricate. This limitation is thought to foster a spirit of competition among the Cooperative, and prevent monopolization of the sport by a single corporation or manufacturer. Members of the Cooperative often see a spike in popularity thanks to their participation. This has had the side effect of many different types of companies being willing to sponsor a bot's creation, even companies one might not expect to be in the robot fighting business.

In certain parts of the sector, it has become popular for private citizens to fight with a certain bot type if they agree strongly with its manufacturer's specific values, though many others simply choose a bot based on its strategic value or personal preference for that type of bot. The very best bot fighters will have their prowess ranked on RANKINGS BATTLEBOTS.

Bot fighting arenas can be found throughout the sector. Or, you can use  a portable bot-fighting ring (found in Starmourn's monthly promotional games), to battle your bots just about anywhere.

After being repaired 10 times, bots will break permanently on the next loss.

Here is a breakdown of common Battlebot commands:

BATTLEBOTS LIST [MINE]        List all active battlebots in the Sector.
BATTLEBOTS SHOW <id>          Show info about a specific battlebot.
BATTLEBOTS FIGHT              Start a fight in a battlebot arena between two bots.
BATTLEBOTS MODIFY <id> <stat> Increase bot stats (up to 3 times by default - up to 6 with associated artifacts)
BATTLEBOTS REPAIR <id>        Repair a currently broken battlebot. (must be located in a repair shop or have the bot_repair artifact)

A list of Known Battlebot Arenas (so far!)

Zephyr (Selubir): A brightly lit battlebot arena.
New Dikamazi: A vine-engulfed robot fighting arena.
Uryet Village (Gunurash III): Standing within the sand-floored bot-fighting pit.
Janilyn (Kovalar): A surprisingly opulent underground bot fighting arena.
Ostari (Hororeon): The Pit Cantina