Starmourn Game News

Public News Posts: 367-328

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367Oct 14th, 2020Hostilities flare between Dominion and Ascendency. War possibly on the horizon.Zek, TSZ Reporter
366Oct 12th, 2020Hidden Conspirators.Codespeaker Xuthori
365Oct 3rd, 2020Death Cult Leader Spotted with Explosives on Omni.Zek, TSZ Reporter
364Sep 30th, 2020No.Timewrecked Kaos T'rathMarloff
363Sep 25th, 2020Assassins.Chronomaster Milo MoonchildSmuggler Senaku Moonchild, the Accident
362Sep 25th, 2020Assassins.Smuggler Senaku Moonchild, the Accident
361Sep 25th, 2020Addendum.Marloff
360Sep 25th, 2020A request...MarloffTimewrecked Kaos T'rath
359Sep 22nd, 2020Ata Aurazi.Flipilaria, the Temporal Gazer
358Sep 15th, 2020Ironbound Shipyards.Marshal Rylek Ironbound
357Sep 9th, 2020A Ruckus with Rhujj.Rhujj Redstrike, The Rude Rogue
356Sep 2nd, 2020Pandering Prurient Parodies To Perverted People Isn't Propaganda.Veteran Pilot Lain
355Sep 2nd, 2020Ishvana Agents Preposterously Propagate Pornographic Propaganda.Zek, TSZ Reporter
354Aug 25th, 2020Anarchist rock duo comes forward about secret romance, makes bomb threats.Zek, TSZ Reporter
353Aug 25th, 2020New Clinical Trial.Guardian Executive Grek
352Aug 24th, 2020Out of Time.Lain T'rath
351Aug 23rd, 2020Pacifist GCEPS moves in for the kill on Fantom Laboratories.Zek, TSZ Reporter
350Aug 23rd, 2020G.I.Keiko T'rath, New Dikamazi Ambassador
349Aug 23rd, 2020T'rath Cult responsible for Event Horizon Disaster.Zek, TSZ Reporter
348Aug 22nd, 2020Song Director Steve states on-record preference for airlocking reporters.Zek
347Aug 22nd, 2020That Ironbound Party then.Smuggler Senaku Moonchild, the Accident
346Aug 21st, 2020My current Mindsim Date.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
345Aug 21st, 2020Ironbound Rainbow Tesseract Party.Vanguard Lynair Ironbound, Feline Fatale
344Aug 21st, 2020What day my Mindsim says it is, right now.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
343Aug 20th, 2020Seeking lab assistants!Doctor Betsi Bilpip
342Aug 20th, 2020Suspicions in Anemoi.Thale Miletus
341Aug 19th, 2020Hi.Flipilaria, the Fabulously RichFleet Captain Steve Sol'lun, Director
340Aug 17th, 2020The Launch of the Experimental Timeship.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
339Aug 17th, 2020Ironbound Rainbow Tesseract Gathering.Vanguard Lynair Ironbound
338Aug 14th, 2020Come One! Come All!Starskipper Beaux Zevran
337Aug 11th, 2020SNP Industries Temporal Laboratory is OPEN!Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
336Aug 9th, 2020Time Ship Launch.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
335Aug 9th, 2020Timeship Test.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
334Aug 7th, 2020Rainbow Redux!Guardian Envoy Clover Moonchild, Director of Joy
333Aug 5th, 2020Seeking scientists, engineers, tourists, etc for a dangerous mission!Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
332Aug 5th, 2020Cryogenesis.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
331Aug 4th, 2020Pull the Lever!Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
330Aug 3rd, 2020AN EVEN BIGGER PRIZE.Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
329Aug 3rd, 2020Pull the Lever prize increase!!Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich
328Aug 3rd, 2020Pull the Lever - Prize Increase!Flipilaria, the Fabulously Rich

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A black-gloved hand wields a dazzling rainbow-hued tesseract from the Starmourn sector, held aloft before a cyberpunk cityscape.

Celebrating the New Year with a January Promo Update!

It’s wild to believe that Starmourn is already turning SIX years old, but here we are! Let’s celebrate in style – Everyone who logs in this month will receive a free Rainbow Tesseract and a 6th Year Commemorative badge! TOUCH the badge for a sentimental look back at some of our friends from the new…
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Human with a black half-face mask in a leather jacket stands before a brightly lit server console in an urban environment. They're holding an illuminated datapad and appear to be hacking the system.

Goodbye Winterflame, Hello New Year~

And with that, another Winterflame season has come to a close! Thank you all for celebrating another warm-hearted winter festival with us here in Starmourn. The SS Ironbeard has already returned home for a much deserved rest, and Factional elements will be slowly put back into storage over the next sync or so. For everyone…
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Glowing In The Festive Snow – It’s Winterflamein Starmourn!

Late to post, but for those who don’t already know… It’s officially Winterflame in the Starmourn Sector! Don’t miss your chance to earn up to 8 FREE rainbow gifts to share with your friends, packed with winter holiday presents. In fact, you’ll get one just for talking to Rohna on Omni Station! The Winterflame Festival…
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