Game Help Files

8.5.3 The Jewelry Skill

Jewelry is a tradeskill that involves producing jewelry and related accessories. To get started, TRADESKILL LEARN JEWELRY to acquire the skill. Note that you can only learn two tradeskills at a time.

You then spend lessons to learn the various abilities. Learning more abilities means you can craft and design a wider variety of items. For example, those with only the Chains ability can create things like necklaces and pendants, while those with the Headwear ability can work with tiaras and crowns as well.

To use the skill, start with the base command, which will display syntax for various actions:

You are able to create your own designs, which are then submitted for admin approval before you are able to use them. You can get started with this command:

Please see HELP WRITING STANDARDS for some basic rules we follow here in Starmourn.