Game Help Files

6.11 Permissions

Permissions are a modular way for you to create and maintain your own permission rules. These rules can then be applied to multiple places without having to set them up again. 

The best example of this is ship boarding permissions - if you have a large fleet of ships and want them to all have the same boarding permissions, you can simply apply one permission rule to all of your vessels and any changes to the rule will apply to all of your ships. Reversely, if you usually let all your allies access all your ships but want one to be private, you can set these to just one ship.

A permission rule is broken up into three parts:
   A criteria:    Example of this is "Person's experience level"
   An operator:   Example of this is "Greater than"
   A value:       Example of this is "50"

There are many options for permissions, which are listed in PERMISSION CRITERIA.

Creating your first permission rule
First we start by making a new permission:


Now that it is made, we'll configure it using the example given above, if the person's experience level is > 50, they will pass this rule.


And that's it, apply it wherever you wish, and if you want to update it, just use the PERMISSION CONFIGURE command to set it to your new rule.

You can combine multiple rules in one, say we want to modify the above rule to include only people in Song who are over 50, we would do:


As you can see, we use parentheses here to contain our individual checks.

Ship Permissions

Space travel and technology is so sophisticated that any size ship can be safely captained by a single person. Crews are no longer necessary, in the sense that multiple roles do not need to be filled separately (for piloting, navigation, lookout, and so on). 

Multiple people can certainly board a ship, but serve as spectators only.
(Tip: You can turn off ship spam as a passenger using: 

The easiest ways to allow someone else to board your ship are:

ALLY <person>      Allows them access to any of your ships, as well as other 
                   things enabled by adding them to your ally list.
FOLLOW <person>    Get them to follow you and they will board any ship that you 

You can, however, get even more fancy with your boarding permissions by setting up PERMISSIONS. Using this system you can specify things like faction, level and class restrictions. Once you have created a permission, you can apply it to a ship you are on using: SHIP BOARDPERMS <Perm#>. Once you've set one up, they will show as a list if you just type SHIP BOARDPERMS.