Abilities of B.E.A.S.T. - PlasmaCasting : Inferno

Release a hellish inferno into your surroundings, burning all players in sight. Periodic damage (scaling in damage to the Muscular subsystem) will occur when the flames flare up every 5 seconds, and the effect will last at least 25 seconds, and has a chance to die out every flare after that. The use of the RESISTANCE ability will shield the B.E.A.S.T. from the effects of the inferno. While inside the inferno, you can bypass the safety sensors on your plasma tanks that normally limit CONSUMPTION, allowing them to be pushed to extreme levels of heat.

Skill: PlasmaCasting
Group: Room effects
Known: No
Lessons: 1027 Lessons
Ability type: Room attack
Can target: Others
Base balance time: 3.00 seconds
Resources required: high plasma