Abilities of B.E.A.S.T.


WristbladeStab them with your blade.
SharpenUse the blade's razor-sharp side.
SerrateRotate to the blade's serrated side.
TwistStir their organs with your blade.
TearCause a vicious bleeding wound.
MinigunMow them down.
FocusfireOffer no respite behind cover.
VantageTake advantage of an elevated position.
SpoolupKeep your minigun spinning.
PindownPin down your foes with suppressing fire.
MissilesLaunch your tracer missiles.
LaunchLaunch a homing missile.
RaindownRain down missiles from the air.
IncendiaryUse incendary warheads on your missiles.
CountermeasuresBlock attacks from afar.
NetlaunchEntangle them with your nets.
WallopSock them in the gut with an undeployed net.
HooknetBind them in a cruel, barbed net.
AirshotLaunch your net high.
TetherDraw them into your location.
RailshotRelease a high-velocity slug.
HeadshotThe sign of the master marksman.
HobbleTake them out at the knees.
SnipeRunning won't help.
DualshotDouble the slugs.
SmashDrive them away with a powerful swing.
DeflectRedirect those projectiles.
BlockKeep them out with your bulk.
GuardianStand guard for your allies.
ProtectProtect an ally from harm.


PlasmaHeat up your plasma tanks.
NozzleControl your plasma flow.
ReleaseDump excess heat quickly.
ConsumptionSuperheat your tanks.
BurnFire a blast of plasma.
FlashBlind your opponents with a flash of bright fire.
CombustSet your foe ablaze.
SearSear away their protections.
ConflagrateIncrease their suffering
DouseCoat them in volatile accelerant.
EnvelopEngulf your foe's cover.
IncinerateBurn them to the ground.
SmokeRelease an obscuring smoke.
OpeningBurn away the roof.
FirewallForm a blazing wall of fire.
ExtinguishReclaim heat from a firewall.
AcridsmokeBlast plumes of acrid smoke.
InfernoUnleash hell on your surroundings.
PlasmacircleForm firewalls all around.
FanFan the flames of the inferno.
ResistanceShield yourself from the inferno
PlasmashieldHeat your shield to resist draining attacks.
DisentangleSinge those pesky entanglements off.
PlasmabladeCoat your wristblade in a nimbus of flame.
ClearsightSupercharge your suit's optics.
CauterizeCauterize your bleeding wounds.
PlasmawreatheWreathe yourself in a nimbus of flame.


SuitBasic usage of your suit
SupportActivate emergency life support
JumpjetsTake to the air with your suit's jumpjets.
ExamineExamine your target's health.
HotswapSwap your mounted weapons instantly.
RadarScan for nearby targets.
PropelBlast off to somewhere else.
RoutingRoute power to various suit subsystems.
OverclockOverload your B.E.A.S.T..
BackhandA servo-assisted backhand.
BootDrive your armored foot into their torso.
ArmviceCrush their arms in your suit's massive grip.
PulseFry their electronics
LegclampTurn their legbones to dust.
GrappleGrind a flying foe into the ground.
RumblePound the ground with your fists.
PoundSwing a prone foe in an overhead arc.
RoutinePain automators online
DischargeVent excess charge as a weapon.
SunderRip them asunder.
RamsetEnsure traction by locking onto the ground.
SteadyLock yourself in position.
JammingJam scanning attempts.
ContingencyProgram the failsafes on your B.E.A.S.T.
WatchKeep a constant scan up for danger.