Game Help Files

94.5.2 Vehicles

Vehicles in the Starmourn sector are mostly flavor elements. 

You may interact with them using the VEHICLE verb and the following syntax:

   VEHICLE LIST                     Display your owned vehicles.
   VEHICLE RIDE <vehicle>*          Ride in/on a specified vehicle you own.
   VEHICLE STORE <vehicle>          Send a vehicle to storage. (From room/inventory)
   VEHICLE RETRIEVE <vehicle>       Retrieve a vehicle from storage.
   VEHICLE LEAVE*                   Cease riding in/on your current vehicle.

* You can also MOUNT / DISMOUNT your vehicle. 

Types of vehicles available right now include: 
   - Jetpacks
   - Hoverbikes 
   - Hoverboards 

Many of them are available as PROMO items, though some can also be found in unique markets such as the Floating Market.