Game Help Files

3.7.3 Titles

Titles are earned appellations that can signify achievements, membership or position in a faction or org, important aspects of your identity, and so on. They are only granted by completing honors, earning positions etc and are set by admin. They are a prefix. 

They are prepended to your name and display wherever your full name is displayed, such as various WHO lists, your honors, your appearance in a location, and your actions.

E.g. In 'The Most Honorable Maddox Khan, Intergalactic Badass', the title would be 'The Most Honorable'.

Most titles can be earned through quests or achievements of various types

   CUSTOMIZE OPTIONS TITLE       View all titles you have access to.
   CUSTOMIZE SET TITLE <name>    Select a title to be displayed.
   CUSTOMIZE SHOW                Shows all your appearance cust. options.

Suffixes are slightly less formal than titles (depending on your faction), and can be bestowed by appointed faction leaders and positions. They may signify achievements, membership or position in a faction or org, important aspects of your identity, and so on. They are placed after your name. 

They are appended to your name and display wherever your full name is displayed, such as various WHO lists, your honors, your appearance in a location, and your actions.

E.g. In 'The Most Honorable Maddox Khan, Intergalactic Badass', the suffix would be 'Intergalactic Badass'.

You cannot bestow a suffix on yourself, but if someone bestows a suffix on you that you do not like or want, you can remove it yourself!

   CUSTOMIZE CLEAR SUFFIX             Remove your suffix.