Game Help Files

12.9.3 The Rensu System

The Rensu System is located within the Ibyssian Brotherhood territory in the RS Quadrant. It is the location of Ghenla, the Lha Ti homeworld.

Qi Station
This undersea station was built for landwalkers. Part embassy, part science hub, it is staffed mainly by bots and drones who enact the will of the Lha Ti.

Panzan Marshes
The Panzan Marshes are a region of Ghenla dedicated to offworld, non-amphibious visitors. There is a pontoon landing area/aircraft carrier type vehicle, and several small islands (connected by floating bridges) that are actually the eroded tops of undersea mountains. The canyons between the islands are vast, deep enough to house a considerable amount of Lha Ti in expansive grotto caves. 

Amber Ridgeline
The Amber Ridgeline, located above the Panzan Marshes, is a series of connected bluffs that thrust from the ocean and ascend high into the sky. This geographical feature is distinctive for its translucent, honey-colored stone that seems to glow in any sunlight at all.