Game Help Files

5.2.1 Racial Emotes

There are many ways to express yourself in the Starmourn Sector, including specific emotes (see HELP EMOTES) for each race which derive from and reinforce their unique cultures. 

These include:

   Amaian:              Belaul:               Bushraki:
     lifthand*            belaulgreet*          modboast*
     gills                wingbow               blueeye
     finshow              belaulpeck            redeye
   Decheeran:           Elgan:                Human:
     dechgreet*           elgangreet*           handclasp*
     takeroot             linkarms*             freedom
     waft                 insulted              humanity
                          pullears              trytoexist

   Jin:                 Krona:                Nath-el:
     handpress*           tuskraise*            nathgreet*
     deatheye             polish                buzz
     disregard            kronahug              ululate
                          showoff               nathflutter
   Nusriza:             Ry'nari:              Shen:
     nusrizabow*          tailgreet*            crossgreet*
     beaksnap             lashtail              tentstroke 
     feathers             kave                  

   Tukkav:              W'hoorn:
     headpress*           whoornbow*
     huntbrag             winghug

Premotes with an asterisk* beside them are standard RACIAL GREETINGS. A list of common greeting and farewell phrases are also available on the wiki. 

NOTE - The Elgan greeting is the only one that has a PREMOTE response (linkarms), only available to other Elgans. 

SHOWEMOTE <text>      Shows what an emote will look like before you do it!
EMOTELIST <text>      Search for an emote in the EMOTELIST