The Nabia – Drug peddlers and slavers

Just added an entry to the site on the Nabia – a race mentioned multiple times previously. They’re quite disliked due to their manufacture and widespread sale of addictive hard drugs like glitter and whisper dust, and their deep involvement in slave trading. Can’t wait to kill me some Nabia scum!


The Celestine Ascendancy

Just added a page on the Celestine Ascendancy – the 3rd and final of the player civilizations we’ll have for release! They’re kind of the twin of the Song Dominion, and the two of them have long been at each other’s throats.


The Bushraki, Wetwiring, and Mindsims

I just published some fairly extensive history on the Bushraki, from whom we get wetwiring and mindsims both. Once tools of the Sa’hak-ren Hierarchy, and later unwittingly duped by the Ishvana, they’re a tragic, broken race of unstable, cybernetically-enhanced, drug-addicted humanoids whose genes indicate that they’re an incredibly old race, though they only reached spaceflight…


The Y'saari – an Elder Race – and an update on hacking

I just added an entry on the Y’saari, whose currency – the Covenant Mark – underlies the economy of Starmourn, to the NPC Races page. Enjoy!   As you can see from the final, he pretty much nailed what I wanted right away.   Also, I talked about hacking in my last post and I’m pleased to…


Hacking in Starmourn

Having some kind of hacking in Starmourn is important to us, mainly because a lot of people have mentioned wanting something involving it. It is, however, much tougher than it may sound like to pull off well in an open-world multiplayer game. There are a few problems, from my perspective: We need a hacking system…


The Song Dominion

Just finished setting up a page on the Song Dominion, the second of the player-inhabited civilizations we’ve announced! You’re probably wondering what a player-inhabited civilization means in practical terms. If you’ve played our existing MUDs, they all have some version of player civilizations, usually expressed as cities or city-states. These are initially admin-created areas with…


Race graphics for backgrounds

Here’s a composite of our various player races for use as desktop/laptop backgrounds. Enjoy! Just right-click (Windows) or click-and-hold (Mac) then save the image. If you’re not sure which one to use, just try the first one.    


Meet the Jin

Today we announced the Jin, our 12th and final player race in Starmourn. You can read all about them on the Jin page. I think you’re going to enjoy them! I thought I’d share the initial concept art sketches that our artist did for the Jin too. In this case I ended up liking #3…


Welcome the Krona!

We revealed the Krona player race today – a somewhat strange-looking race of belligerent show-offs. A little behind-the-scenes fun fact about them: This isn’t what they originally looked like, at all, and we redid them to be more interesting. Here’s how the player race process typically works, though this process gets broken or things get…