Time for a vacation?

In honor of summertime… Welcome to the beach! Off the shores of the Celestine Ascendancy, players can now enjoy a relaxing break from the stresses of the sector at Dreg End Beach and Pleasure Shores! A quick tour for those who’ve yet to experience for themselves – Dreg End Beach To the west, a series…


Space Trucking Preview

Hi all! Neritus here. I’ve been hard at work coding Space Trucking and its surrounding systems, supported by the rest of the team for ideas, lore input, and mechanics. The project has been quite satisfying to my geekdom, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect and provide a preview of the upcoming feature release, coming mostly likely sometime in March. There will be quite a few new activities to do in Space, so it’s also a good opportunity to prepare players for what’s coming and garner input before it lands.


Starmourn 2021 Year in Review: Celebrating our Best Year Ever!

Hello Spacers! The time has come for our end of year roundup, and I hope you’ll all agree that it has been an AMAZING year for Starmourn. We saw the introduction of player housing, real world player shops, Hardcore mode (permadeath), daily streaks, battlebots, a ship arena, several major new areas, a new tradeskill, a…


Time Marches On!

Hello, Starmourners! It’s another month – March, to be precise. We hope you’ve enjoyed all the shipchanges we’ve all been working on! Don’t forget to give Damiel and Zersiax a whole lot of love for all their hard work, testing, and research. The new Storytellers are also busy – you might have been noticing a…


Happy Birthday, Starmourn!

Hi, Starmourners! Tomorrow, December 15th, Starmourn turns 2 years old. The best Sci Fi mud in the world has gone through a lot of changes in the past year. We created new areas like the Sabiak Teahouse, the Tosmar Wildlife Reserve, and the Gnomon Institute. We revamped Dynasties, launched Talents for a post-75 endgame experience,…


BIG NEWS! Introducing Challenge 75 – tell your friends!

Attention Starmourn!!! As we all know, new players are the lifeblood of any mud, and Starmourn is no exception to that rule. That’s why we are introducing CHALLENGE 75, a brand new initiative to encourage character creation, participation, and retention. For a limited time only, characters created after November 1st, 2020 will have the opportunity…


Work For Iron Realms!

Have you ever wanted to work on a professional MUD? Iron Realms Entertainment is looking to hire a new part-time coder for Starmourn. In this position, you would be working with Eukelade (Laura Lindborg), the lead Producer for Starmourn. Even though your primary job revolves around code, you would be part of the visible face…


Starmourn Discord Goes Official

For several years, our enthusiastic playerbase has been discussing Starmourn in an unofficial, fan-made Discord channel. In fact, the community has grown to such a great size, and has such a great moderating team, we’ve decided to take steps to improve the Discord experience and integrate it more fully with our game. Starting today, the…


Iron Realms Relieves 1.5 Million in Medical Debt

Starmourners, for the past two weeks, our game, and the rest of the Iron Realms games, have been raising money to donate to a special charity. Here to tell us how we collectively did (spoiler: amazing, and I for one am so proud to have been a part of this) is our President, Jeremy Saunders.…


A Message from Aurelius

Hey Starmourners. Eukelade here, to introduce a very special message from our CEO, Matt Mihály. I’ll have more Starmourn-specific things to tell you after the letter, but for now, let’s read what Matt has to say! I think it’s pretty important! Greetings, citizens of the Iron Realms, I hope everyone’s doing as well as they…


Love, Death, and Robots

So, Starmourners. I bet you’re wondering what we’ve been up to since the beginning of January, right? Read on, because we’re gonna tell you! Since the turn of the year, implementing the playerbase’s hundreds of classlead suggestions have taken the bulk of January’s development time. It continues to be a focus for our lead coders,…


Our First Year in Space

Starmourn’s first year as a publically accessible game in open beta has come and gone, and the months since December 17th, 2018 have whirled by in a blur of new features, squashed bugs, and player-focused roleplay events.  By January 2019 we’d already fixed hundreds of bugs, done a pass on classes, and enabled a myriad…


May Marvels!

May brought a ton of new things in Starmourn and you are missing out if you are not logging in to check them out! Ship Customization: a brand new feature that brings your ship off the Overhead Map and into the space station, where it can be looked at by yourself and, more importantly, by…


Starmourn Roadmap

Starmourn is a unique game in the Iron Realms ecosystem, and a unique game in the world of muds in general. As a science fiction text game with an active, hardworking development team, it is important to us that it be a standout example of the genre – and quite frankly, it is! But we…


Starmourn has locked on to a new Lead Producer

Starmourn has officially hired our new producer, Ioan Sima! Ioan has been an avid player of IRE games for 11 years. He has enthusiastically played Starmourn since release, and even helped build some of the game before it launched. He boasts a high level of familiarity with both the world and the game systems in…


Ship Weapon Updates

Tecton just posted up a preview of the upcoming updates to ship weapons, shields, and other space combat-related changes. Head over to the Starmourn forums to check them out.


Ship updates

We’ve just unveiled a massive batch of ship changes, giving space ships a whole bunch of additional fit-out customisation, as well as paving the way for a bunch of upcoming ship changes! Check out the Updates post #133 for all of the information!