BETA Testing Round 2 For The New Tutorial Begins Today!

Small yet mighty, the new Starmourn Tutorial zone packs a punch in a compact space with the goal of onboarding new and veteran MUD players alike into IRE’s unique sci-fi title – And it’s completely free-to-play! Round two of BETA testing for the new tutorial has officially kicked off today, which means we’re another step…


New Hunting Grounds – Explore the Lha Ti Homeworld of Ghenla!

A big thank-you to Picram and Shunvaz for inspiring our recommended playtime event, and to everyone who participated in this lore exploration! Recap: After conducting a very newbie-friendly overview of Starmourn’s modern history, Picram and guests were given an open invitation to meet with a Lha Ti named Ambassador Mhoyul to learn about the mysterious…


Recommended Play Time – Open Training Session on History and Lore

New and Veteran players alike – Join us Saturday at Sync-1 for an open training session with the Lord Commander of the Song Dominion and a guest star from the admin team! We’ll be covering topics including, but not limited to, historic lore and sector-wide politics! Bring your questions and puzzling inspirations to strike up…


New Racial Greeting Emotes for Cultural RP

Hey Starmourn Sector! đź‘‹ đź‘˝ New racial emotes are now available for all races to complete a culturally derived GREETING to other spacers. More info, including all racial emotes, is available in HELP RACIAL EMOTES. RACIAL GREETINGS RACE EMOTE INPUT Amaian LIFTHAND Belaul BELAULGREET Bushraki MODBOAST Decheeran DECHGREET Elgan ELGANGREET (Response: LINKARMS) Human HANDCLASP Jin…


Legacy Mode & Beyond

Learn about what Legacy Mode really means for the world of Starmourn, reminisce on what we’ve accomplished so far, and get a sneak peak at what’s on the docket for the future.

We’re still here, folks. Come on in- the Sector’s fine. <3


Year In Review: 2022

Welcome to the Year in Review for Starmourn 2022! Here you’ll find a summary of new systems, major events, and noteworthy player RP that’s taken place over the past 12 months in addition to tons of bug smashing, rebalancing, skill updates, and more!


Vihana, Rise

A look into Starmourn’s next major feature drop: Vihana Facilities. Gather a team of up to 5 players and combat the rising Vihana threat through a roguelike-inspired PvE dungeon crawl.