Explore New Dikamazi!

In the Iota system, in neutral space, a fledgling colony of Bushraki settlers has been discovered on a newly inhabited asteroid. Named New Dikamazi, after their lost homeworld, the colony appears to have no immediately malicious motivations – though there are several elements of the area that might be considered hostile to outsiders. Historians and…


Join us Wednesday for more Bushraki Fun!

Last month, events between two Bushraki factions in Scatterhome came to a head, with lasting implications for the residents of Oldtown. But what happened after that? Where did the defeated gang of Chrome Skulls go? What happened to Kuda Shayato’s daughter, and the strange prize so many Bushraki were so obsessed with for so long?…


Recent Events in Scatterhome

Oldtown. Flooded, abandoned, and destitute, the former heart of Haven City is now a slum for the poor, the dispossessed, and the forgotten. While most would never choose to call it home, for the resident Bushraki, it’s territory they’re willing to fight fiercely for when it’s threatened by outsiders seeking something of value. Will you…