Development News
New Racial Greeting Emotes for Cultural RP
Hey Starmourn Sector! 👋 👽 New racial emotes are now available for all races to complete a culturally derived GREETING to other spacers. More info, including all racial emotes, is available in HELP RACIAL EMOTES. RACIAL GREETINGS RACEEMOTE INPUT AmaianLIFTHANDBelaulBELAULGREETBushrakiMODBOASTDecheeranDECHGREETElganELGANGREET (Response: LINKARMS)HumanHANDCLASPJinHANDPRESSKronaTUSKRAISENath–elNATHGREETNusrizaNUSRIZABOWRy’nariTAILGREETShenCROSSGREETTukkavHEADPRESSW’hoornWHOORNBOW Note – These are totally optional greetings to help support anyone who wants…
As work continues on the revised tutorial area, we’re offering our community the chance to have their ideas implemented in lore and for new players to experience going forward. Check it out!
The Starmourn admin team has issued a Leap Year RP Bounty! Submit your RP Request by February 29th for priority review on your admin-assisted RP event. Click the link to learn more!
A colorful array of fireworks, erupting in a perfectly black, starless sky
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!