Development News
We revealed the Krona player race today – a somewhat strange-looking race of belligerent show-offs. A little behind-the-scenes fun fact about them: This isn’t what they originally looked like, at all, and we redid them to be more interesting. Here’s how the player race process typically works, though this process gets broken or things get…
Today, I had a chance to sit down with myself and find out a little more about what I’m working on. I’m both the one asking the questions and giving the answers. I’m a one-man interview machine! Q: CEO and Creative Director, huh? You think you’re better than me? A: Uhhh…This is an interview about…
We’ve started a dev blog for Starmourn! That’s pretty much it! It’s the first place you can really officially leave comments for us though, and that’s a fun step forward.
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!