Development News
The economy design in Starmourn is still at a relatively nascent stage, but there are some key ways it’s going to differ from our other MUDs, based on lessons learned over the last 20 years of running MUDs. Better control over currency generation. The ability of players to generate in-game currency (Marks in Starmourn’s case,…
The Cleax are a race originating from outside Starmourn sector, and are one of the most alien of the races we know of. Starmourn first had contact with them about 900,000 years ago, long before most of the Younger Races even existed, when they invaded and were stopped by an alliance of Elder Races. They…
Happy Holidays!
Just wanted to wish all Starmourners a great holiday season no matter what you celebrate, and even if you celebrate nothing at all! More updates coming in early 2017, fear not!
I know we haven’t talked much about game mechanics yet, and for a good reason – as the game develops, there is a real chance that any mechanic we designed or built could get changed. However, there are some systems, such as the Prop system, that we’re really happy with and know will be in…
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!