Development News
We’re pleased to announce the opening of our first ever Classlead round here in Starmourn! What are classleads you ask? They’re a system whereby players can submit suggestions for changes or additions to a skill or ability in the game. Classleads will be open for submission for the next week – closing Sunday, February 24th…
Excited to see what’s coming up next in Starmourn? Head over and check out the latest in our Development Updates blog posts on the Starmourn forums!
The development team has just released their latest Dev. Updates post, detailing recent releases/changes and what’s on the cards for the immediate future! Check it out on the Starmourn forums today!
Starmourn just went into open beta, which means it’s time to strap yourself in and get ready to head for the stars! It’s been over 3.5 years since we first started working on Starmourn, and we can finally pull the curtain back now and let you experience what we’ve been working on! We think Starmourn…
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!