Development News
Development on Starmourn continues at a furious pace, as the team works to refine, improve, and add to the game on a daily basis! Haven’t been watching the news? Here’s a quick rundown on just a small fraction of the changes that have come out recently: Ships and the Captaincy skill have all had massive…
Tecton just posted up a preview of the upcoming updates to ship weapons, shields, and other space combat-related changes. Head over to the Starmourn forums to check them out.
We’ve just unveiled a massive batch of ship changes, giving space ships a whole bunch of additional fit-out customisation, as well as paving the way for a bunch of upcoming ship changes! Check out the Updates post #133 for all of the information!
Happy February! Are you ready for some exciting news? Starmourn is allowing the use of retirement credits one month early. Starmourn has been purring along for two and a half months and we feel as though things have settled to the point we can allow retirements into the sector. Starting immediately, Starmourn is open for…
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!