Development News
Over the next month or two, you can expect big changes to come to the internet’s favorite science fiction text-based game. From roleplay events to PVP overhauls to new enhancements and talents to earn for play after level 75, we’re working hard to deliver new and better content to our playerbase. Keep reading to learn…
The capital city of the Celestine Ascendancy presents a neon face to the rest of the galaxy. Litharge. Commercialized, hectic, and loud. Corporate and overcrowded, it is a vivid example of urban density, its immense size capable of swallowing a small country with room to spare. A place of such dramatic excess was bound to…
This month, Starmourn invites you to sharpen your pencils and put your thinking caps on, because there’s a whole bunch of new things for you to cram into your brains. Get ready to read about new multiclassing options and tradeskills, along with a sneak peak about what’s coming later in the month! Multiclassing Starmourn has…
In the depths of space, unauthorized refineries and autofactories have been sighted, all of them belonging to rogue organizations or independent space pirates. Courageous space adventurers can now engage with these pirate installations and lay waste to their manufacturing and harvesting efforts and be generously rewarded for their efforts. Attacking one of these locations will…
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!