Development News
Welcome one and all to the event of the season in Starmourn – The Floating Market 976 A.E.! This year the market will be floating around Fontain Station from November 15th-25th, which should be plenty of time for folks to thoroughly check it out. As always you may either fly to it or take ground…
What’s that? Who’s there?! For those of you not already in the Discord, here’s your mid-month reminder: Rapadruk Season is upon us, Starmourn! As the night’s shadows encroach on the day’s glow, the gloomy holiday brings out the band of Candy Dans and all sorts of trickery across those populated planets and ALL known racial…
Now that things have settled a bit with the Newbie Experience, check out the roster of fun end of year holidays the Starmourn sector is known for! October Rapadruk Season is the Starmourn analog to Halloween, and the Sector decks itself out with ENTHUSIASM for all the spooky theming and parties similar to the Earthen…
The Starmourn Devblog: Read this to learn about our ongoing promotion, new archaeology digsite, and QOL Command “WELCOMEBACK”!
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!