Development News
Hi, Starmourners! Wow, the world has gone a bit crazy since the last time we posted, huh? While we can’t wait for things to get back to normal, we also want to encourage our players to stay indoors as much as possible, for the safety of themselves and those around them! Which means that if…
Starmourners (and anyone else reading this), we’ve got some awesome news today and we hope you’re as excited about it as we are! Starmourn is now introducing a way for all players to gain up to 20 BOUND Credits each RL day. Performing various tasks in game will reward you with 1-2 bound credits, up…
So, Starmourners. I bet you’re wondering what we’ve been up to since the beginning of January, right? Read on, because we’re gonna tell you! Since the turn of the year, implementing the playerbase’s hundreds of classlead suggestions have taken the bulk of January’s development time. It continues to be a focus for our lead coders,…
The new year is here, and Starmourn feels more refined and grown up by the day. The game has advanced in leaps and bounds from its fledgling beginnings to something that we all feel truly proud of. Not bad, for something that’s barely a year old as of this writing! We hope that 2020 will…
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!