Development News
Been a minute since we updated the website, so here’s what we’ve been up to lately, Starmourners! Selubir Expands! The incredibly hard work and artistry of Damiel and Soren is revealed in their biggest, most lovingly detailed project yet. The planet Selubir, a dusty, orange-colored human colony known most famously as the homeworld of Cassandra…
The Starmourn team currently has an opening for a new Storyteller – possibly two if we get some really good applicants – and we are looking for someone or someones with enthusiasm and passion to shape the future of everyone’s favorite space mud! Storytellers are meant, first and foremost, to drive player stories in an…
In our last post, we reviewed the major changes and highlights that happened over the course of 2020. (A lot of things!) In this post, we’ll offer a teaser of what we hope to get to in the coming year! In 2021, balancing and enhancing combat (especially pvp combat) will remain a huge and ongoing…
Enough has been said about how hard 2020 was for everyone – so instead, as is an Iron Realms tradition, let’s take some time to look back at the highlights of 2020! The things that made this year more bearable and fun for our growing Starmourn community. January – Classleads In January of 2020, we…
Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!