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Public News Post #566

Shindig reminder!

Written by: Space Marshal Savvy Ironbound, BestWife(tm)
Date: Monday, December 19th, 2022
Addressed to:

Residents of the Starmourn system,

Just a quick reminder here.

This coming sync during Ainsday, we'll be hosting The Shindig on Selubir.
((//Monday the 19th at 7 pm EST (Tuesday the 20th after sync for anyone east of GMT.)))

This fancy dress party is to celebrate several promotions within Scatterhome, as a reward for the hard work of all the up-and-coming 'belters, and to celebrate Winterflame with a Scatterhome twist.

After the party has kicked off unless you feel like dying, please stay at the address 11106 while on Selubir itself, if you feel like leaving during this time we will be holding several windows open for you to dive out of or if you're able to leave with your own devices we will most certainly let you.

There will be dancing, great food, gifts, and more!

Just as a reminder. There are a few rules for this party, that we ask you to follow:

Rules for the Shindig:
1. Please dress appropriately for a gala or ball.
2. There will be several gifts being opened by people who have the ability, prior to the start of the full festivities.
3. Address 11106 is off-limits to murder and brawling.
4. We will announce when the festivities will be kicked off prior to the UCC, so anyone not wishing to attend for all of them is able to leave. If you are in attendance, Please leave this channel on for the subsequent announcement of the end of the festivities.
5. Should there be any death of full-time Zephyr residents, Scatterhome will take appropriate action as I'm sure Zephyr itself will want to. Accidents do happen, but we hope they won't.

Thank you for your attention! We hope to see you all there!

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